31. Apologies and Explanations

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~ Wynne tries orc food while Sidra tries to explain. It's not easy to forgive their treachery. ~

31. Apologies and Explanations

When Wynne woke up her head felt heavy. How long had she slept? Down here underground there was no way to tell.

The storage room was dimly lit by a lantern in an alcove and empty apart from herself. In a corner she saw the familiar bundles and bags of their packs.

So, the elves were already up then, and must have fetched the belongings they left by the well.

She hoped the horses were alright. Maybe if Legolas was better she could go and check on them later today. They had ridden them so hard last night and she had not had time to see over their legs and feet afterwards.

Her body promptly informed her that she was ravenous and desperately needed to pee. But first things first, before doing anything else she must visit Legolas.

Still in the ruffled clothes she had worn all day and all night, Wynne opened the round door. Outside she heard a mumble of voices from the hall, and a nice smell of food wafted through the corridor, again reminding her she had not eaten anything since yesterday morning.

The spare room was close to the healer's, only two round doors further down the corridor. She didn't knock in case it would disturb Legolas, instead she opened a tiny slit and peeked in.

Both he and his father lay peacefully on their bunks, breathing calmly. Legolas' face had more color today and he appeared to sleep soundly.

With a sigh of relief, she closed after them again. At least he was not worse.

Next, she went down the corridor to seek out the privy the healer had mentioned.

If he had not pointed it out, the smell would have led her there just as easily. It had a stone bench with two round lids and a sign in orc language above each that she couldn't decipher. When she warily opened the lids she saw that one hole contained only urine, the other feces.

Why they would separate those she had no idea, but obediently she chose the correct one to pee in.

There was a bowl and pitcher on a table so she could wash her hands and face afterwards, which made her feel a lot more awake.

Before joining the others, she changed clothes. She had no idea who she would meet during breakfast but it probably was best to avoid looking like a ruffled tramp. She even brushed her hair.

When she got to the hall she stopped in the doorway, shyly peering at the many unfamiliar faces. Around thirty or forty uruk-hai lined the tables under the now lit chandelier, and their conversation echoed between the stone walls. A separate table was laden with food and drink and it smelled even more heavenly this close.

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