34. Perhaps Not So Secret After All

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~ Thranduil is a spoilsport as usual and Wynne realizes her secret is not so secret. ~

34. Perhaps Not So Secret After All

A polite knock on the door made Wynne spring up and quickly jump to the other bed.

When Nodir entered she smiled innocently. "Hello Nodi!"

"Good evening. Thranduil sent me to relieve you." His eyes narrowed slightly as he looked from one to the other. "Why do you two smile like that?"

"Legolas said something funny," she said quickly. "About lembas."

"Aye, about how much I like it. One might say I am a Lembas Lover."

Still chuckling, Wynne went to the door, feeling Nodir's eyes on her.

She wondered what Legolas would say to him. Would he reveal their secret relationship? She doubted Nodir could be trusted not to inform his king and hoped Legolas would stay silent for now.

Passing through the corridor, she had an urge to skip and bounce like a colt. She felt alive and full of pent up energy.

Legolas found her beautiful! And liked her legs! And they had kissed three times!

Outside the hall she forced the smile off her face with some effort, but Thranduil's stern look when she entered helped a lot to keep her features in check.

Luckily he didn't say anything; she didn't think she could manage a potential interrogation without revealing everything.

The party was still in full swing and now Wynne's appetite had returned. She filled another plate and went back to Sidra and Nugu, who sat with Nanna and the orc healer. Galion was there too, bouncing an orcling in time with the beat of the music.

Orc music was very different from human or elvish music, she noted. They had several different-sized drums and long horn instruments that produced deep hoots.

The current piece was sung without words. One uruk-hai intoned the melody and several others held continuous notes that combined to a sonorous droning chord.

The uptempo rhythm fitted well with Wynne's present agitated mood.

"Well. You look cheerful." Of course Sidra didn't miss a thing; there was no fooling that woman.

"Legolas felt much better," she said, sticking with part of the truth.

"You were gone for quite a while." Her eyes were penetrating but the hint of a mischievous smile touched her lips.

"I kept him company when he ate," she replied innocently, and to evade further questions she promptly turned to Goltur. "When can he eat normal food? He is off the poppy now, right, so it should be no problem? And go for walks, when can he do that? He is very confined in there you know, only ever walking to the privy."

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