21. To Kill or Not to Kill

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~ Thranduil must make a hard decision and the same goes for the uruk-hai family

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~ Thranduil must make a hard decision and the same goes for the uruk-hai family. ~

21. To Kill or Not to Kill

"At least don't kill the little ones," Wynne begged, pressing Thranduil's arm.

She had no idea why she felt so strongly about them, she didn't even like children, but somehow the woman's desperation had touched her. She had been willing to sacrifice her own life for the babies.

Then it occurred to Wynne that the father had done the same, in a way. The tall uruk-hai had given himself up, even though he must be fully aware that his own death might be the outcome of it, and he had done it to help his wife and children escape.

That, if any, was proof he couldn't be altogether evil.

"If the orclings are allowed to live they must be closely monitored," said Thranduil. "And if so, we cannot leave them and lose control over the outcome of this experiment."

"You mean to take them with us, then?" Legolas looked surprised. "Surely our mission is no place for babies. And who would tend to them?"

"Nay, and that is why it would be complicated to save their lives," his father said. "Besides, bereaving a mother of her offspring would hardly be less cruel than slaying them."

"What about the uruk-hai?" asked Galion.

"I do not trust him. I could never trust an orc." Thranduil sounded definite.

"I do," said Wynne. "He gave himself up to save his family."

Thranduil shook his head. "Perhaps, but even a warg will protect his young. He will not be as friendly to outsiders. We must either kill him or take him prisoner."

"The woman mentioned other uruk-hai. His friends," Nodir broke in. "Maybe he can lead us to them."

"How would you persuade him to do that? I do not hold with torture."

"If we let him and the orclings live – for now – he might do it in return for sparing them," suggested Legolas. "In addition it would give us time to observe him and decide whether he really has good intentions."

"I like that idea," said Wynne.

"It has some merits," Thranduil cautiously agreed. "One needs more than a first impression to read someone's character."

"Yes, otherwise you would still have thought me useless." Wynne grinned at him and to her surprise he smiled back.

"Indeed, I would." He turned to Nodir and Bronedir. "You fetch the human; she cannot have gotten far."

They rode off, bringing an extra horse for the woman, and Thranduil approached the uruk-hai again.

"You shall live, you and your family, if – and I stress this point – if you obey my commands and prove to me that your ways are not evil."

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