23. Watching Topless Elves

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~ What the chapter title says. :) ~

23. Watching Topless Elves

The afternoon became exceedingly hot, one of those early summer days when the air was absolutely still and the heat almost choking. Sweat poured down Wynne's face and back and an armada of those annoying flies that accompany horses in the warm season kept attacking her.

They passed a couple of very old, gnarled oaks, where she picked a few low hanging leaves to fan herself with, but without much success as they soon went soft and floppy.

Finally Thranduil decided it was time to stop for the evening, unusually early. It was not an ideal spot; the area was open with few trees, only a couple of crooked pines and some junipers. The ground was hard bedrock covered in a thin layer of crisp lichen.

"No shade," Wynne grumbled, wiping her forehead for the umphteenth time.

The elves' clothes had damp patches just like Wynne's and their perfect faces were flushed. As soon as the campsite was ready they shed their tunics and shirts, spreading them on the ground to dry before flopping down in the slight shade of the few trees and the tents, wearing only underpants and hose.

Wynne tried to get a subtle peek at Legolas and her heartbeat increased considerably when she caught a glimpse of his chest. His body looked even nicer than she had imagined. It was smooth and solid, and the droplets of perspiration covering it was no disadvantage at all. Again she wondered how it would feel to touch him and wished she was allowed to.

Nugu tried to follow the elves' example but his clothes got stuck on the bound hands. Galion took pity and freed him long enough to remove them. The uruk-hai's many battle scars became visible, some of them long and thin, possibly made by a whip. He was incredibly muscular which made Wynne secretly grateful that Galion had restrained him again; though he had made no attempt to harm them he looked like he easily could.

Wynne hesitated to undress in front of a strange male at first but soon couldn't stand the heat. She decided to remove the woolen tunic and hose at least, like she had done many times around the elves.

Sidra's eyes widened slightly when she saw what she did, but then she shrugged and followed her example. Her Haradrim chemise was different from Wynne's; slightly longer and with a higher neckline but more figure hugging. She had a curvy body with wide hips and large breasts that Wynne rather envied.

Then the woman stripped her sons, letting them happily tottle around in the nude. Wynne observed them with great curiosity. So this was how males looked down there. There was a dangling part just as she had thought, but different from a horse's counterpart. Adult men obviously had larger ones, as the rest of them were larger too, but on the whole they didn't look too scary.

Wearing only cool linen, Wynne soon felt better. She joined the orclings, pretending to help them gather sweet bilberries that grew in patches on the lichen floor, but secretly gobbling most of them herself. Her hands and the tiny boys' gray bodies became blotched with purple stains.

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