36. Orc Farming

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~ The elves make an unpleasant discovery about orc food. ~

36. Orc Farming

As usual, walking went slowly for Legolas, but now with just the two of them he seemed less frustrated by it, and Wynne for her part didn't mind at all. It was pleasant to have his arm around her, feel his warm body and draw in his scent. And she liked to be able to support him, it made her feel useful and strong.

Her only regret was that he had wanted to go out at all. She had much rather stayed in his room and continued that very interesting kiss. She had still not quite regained her composure after that and his closeness now didn't help the least.

She remembered how wary she had been of males when her mother told her she must marry, but she was no longer the least afraid, not even of being intimate. She had pressed herself against Legolas when they kissed and the sensation had been overwhelming. She had felt him, his part, curiously pushing into her stomach and she had imagined feeling it further down. She had wished she was taller.

Such things must wait, of course, until they were properly wed, but hopefully that wouldn't be too far in the future. Somehow she must convince Thranduil to allow it.

As if thinking of the Elvenking had conjured him up, he and the rest of the tour entered the hall just when Wynne had opened the exit door.

"Legolas! I thought you were resting." Thranduil's eyebrows were a single, thick line. "And you, Wynne – you said you were going to help Sidra with the babies."

Legolas stiffened beside her. "I had to go outdoors and get some air. Wynne agreed to help me."

"And I had already finished at Sidra's," she added lamely.

"Then allow me to take over." Without waiting for a reply Thranduil firmly took her place by his son's side. "Since you are not otherwise occupied, Wynne, you can visit the farm in my stead. I am sure my absence is acceptable, Master Goltur?"

"I can show it to you another time, sire." After the peace treaty was signed, the healer had become a lot more polite when addressing Thranduil. He turned to Legolas. "Take it slowly and pause often. I am not sure the climb down the ladder is entirely a good idea but maybe you are right and the air would do you good."

Legolas only gave him a curt nod in reply, but Wynne saw the scorching glare he gave his father. It was hard to tell who of them were the most angry and their outing would likely be no cheerful event.

"Follow me then." Goltur beckoned to Wynne and the others.

She sighed and obeyed, giving Legolas' retreating back a longing look.

Galion fell in step with her. "What was that about?"

She peered at his fair face, pondering what she could tell him. It was not long ago she had caught him gazing at her just a bit too intensely for comfort; if he knew the truth it would save her the embarrassment of explaining she was not interested. But what if he passed the information on to Thranduil?

Riding With the Elves // Legolas x OCWhere stories live. Discover now