48. Cheering Up an Elf

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~ Wynne and Legolas talk about serious matters (plus do some cuddling)

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~ Wynne and Legolas talk about serious matters (plus do some cuddling). ~

48. Cheering Up an Elf

Wynne tiptoed through the corridor until she found the right door. Knocking once, she fervently hoped Thranduil, whose room was nearby, wouldn't hear too.

There was a slight shuffle and then Legolas opened. He wore a night robe as well, darker and of a more masculine cut. He looked tired.

"Can I come in?" Without waiting for an answer she dived under his arm and went to sit on his bed. His room was almost a copy of hers, sharing the same view of the park.

"You should not," he murmured, but instead of turning her out he closed the door and sat beside her, drawing his knees up to rest his chin on them.

The posture made him appear younger than usual, and very unhappy.

"I made a fool of myself tonight, didn't I?" she muttered. "Running out like that... in front of everyone." With everyone she meant Thranduil.

"I understand why you did it. I heard what you said to Ada." He sighed. "I should not force you to live a life with servants, dresses and finery you never asked for. I have been selfish. And foolish... It was a stupid dream. A castle in the air."

"Don't say that." Wynne bit her lip to refrain from crying. "I can handle it. I can learn..."

"You shouldn't have to. I do not want that life for you." He looked at his toes peeking out from under the robe. "I don't even want that life for myself, for the Valar's sake... These past months on the road, and before that, during my time with the Fellowship... that kind of life is me. I'm not cut out to be a leader, to give orders and manage a kingdom." He wiped away a tear. "And I hate living in a cave. Our palace is underground, as I think I mentioned, and when I was little I'd sneak out all the time to run in the forest. And Ada would have his guards bring me back, and I'd be locked up in my rooms for days." The words came tumbling out, quite unlike his normal refined way of speaking. "I knew I'd be caught but as soon as I was released I sneaked out again anyway."

Wynne silently wrapped her arms around him, not knowing what to say or do. Perhaps it was enough to just be there.

"Ada had to give in eventually and allow me to go out when I needed to. He'd send Galion along to babysit me, usually." He laughed mirthlessly. "Poor Galion. But I never liked stone. I never liked cities."

"I agree. They should put some trees in them. And flowers. I can have a word with Prince Faramir about that. It would be just what Osgiliath wants."

"Trees and flowers in a city? You are strange." He smiled weakly.

"I think it's a great idea." She pulled on his shoulder until he lay back on the bed where she could stretch out beside him. "I would love to run through a forest with you. Without Galion, preferably. I can think of many things to discover just the two of us." She put innuendo in her voice.

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