42. The Tale of the Fellowship

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~ Legolas tells a bit more of his experiences during the Quest for the Ring, and later has a long needed talk with his father. ~

42. The Tale of the Fellowship

"...and then I took its eye out. Now Galion had joined me and he dealt the death blow, piercing it straight through the other eye and into its brain." Legolas made a thrusting motion, trying to appear calmer than he felt.

"Good thing you had fought one before or I would not have known where to find the eye," he said.

"Aye, we never killed the one in Moria but I blinded that as well."

"Moria." Wynne sounded thoughtful.

She was taking the whole thing surprisingly well, Legolas figured. Earlier she had described how she kicked herself free of the monster and hid in a cave until it was dead, and then dived out through a narrow hole. All this from the woman who claimed not to be brave!

He had expected her to at least have troubled sleep afterwards, bad dreams and such, but at least not yet. Perhaps that would come later.

Legolas had certainly not slept well. Time and again he had seen her disappear under the surface, and though it had not happened he kept picturing her being swallowed by the monster, mashed to pulp by its many teeth.

They had left shortly after sunrise, everybody eager to get away from that godforsaken lake. His troubled sleep was beginning to take its toll now, however, he felt bleary eyed and tired. As if that was not enough, his waist was sore again after yesterday's exertion and riding didn't help at all.

"You promised to tell me about Moria and your adventures with the Fellowship," said Wynne. "Can't you do it now? I need something else to think about."

"Oh please do, I'd love to hear it too," Sidra cut in.

A chill ran down Legolas' spine as always when that subject came up. So Wynne wouldn't let him off the hook, then. He had purposely forestalled this, but after her frightening experience yesterday he probably ought to oblige her with the tale.

It was just that he really didn't want to.

"Alright then."

While the others waited expectantly he pondered how to begin and finally decided to adopt a storyteller style, brushing over the events lightly as if they had not much affected the participants.

He cleared his throat and began.

"After the Council of Elrond the Fellowship was formed, a brotherhood among the free peoples, with a single task: to undo the One Ring. A somber midwinter night it was, when the Nine Walkers departed Rivendell..."

Had Wynne and he been alone, he might have told more than just the basic facts, such as his apprehension to join the Fellowship without his adar's permission. Without his king's permission.

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