25. An Uruk-hai's Childhood

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~ Sidra tries lembas, and later Nugu tells a bit more of how he grew up. ~

25. An Uruk-hai's Childhood

During the afternoon the rain finally subsided, allowing their clothes and packs to dry. The sky was still overcast, however, and the pregnant clouds looked like they might release the rest of their contents any time.

Wynne rode in silence, purposely staying last in line to avoid having to talk to anyone. The conversation with Sidra about her mother and marriages had painfully reminded Wynne of her predicament. Somehow she had managed to forget about her task for quite some time, but now the worry from before returned. What would Mother do when she returned without an elf husband?

After everything that had happened, Wynne found that she actually didn't fear Mother's anger so much any longer. What was the worst the woman could do? She would pierce Wynne with her ice cold eyes and scold her with hurtful remarks. Perhaps punish her physically. But Wynne had been face to face with orcs now, stabbed by one and kidnapped by two. She could handle pain, and as for piercing stares nobody could compete with Thranduil in that department.

No, she didn't really fear her mother anymore, but instead there were new concerns. Mother would marry Wynne off to somebody or their branch of the Örn House would die, which she was not likely to allow. The prospect of becoming matched with a random Rohirrim lord was disturbing. How could she endure a loveless marriage of convenience now that she knew how it felt to like someone?

The horses trudged on patiently and the surroundings became even more barren. Almost nothing grew here and the ground consisted of naked bedrock with rough gravel and patches of lichen.

They began to follow a stream, making short breaks every now and then to catch some of the sleek, spotted trout that swam downstream, possibly on their way to the Anduin. Apparently most water that formed in these hills either ended up there, or in the Dead Marshes down south.

"How long until we reach your friends?" Thranduil asked Nugu during one such stop.

"Not much longer. But it's hard to estimate when on horseback." Nugu didn't meet his gaze and seemed very interested in watching Nodir and Bronedir, who stood on either side of the brook, armed with sharpened sticks and ready to spear any unsuspecting fish passing by.

"Yes, not long," Sidra agreed. She was toying with a loose thread on the hem of her tunic.

Thranduil's sharp eyes didn't miss anything. "You seem nervous."

"No I'm not," she replied, a little too fast.

"What did you expect," growled her husband. "We're bringing death to our friends."

"I told you we shall not harm them. Unless they are hostile, of course."

"I know the likes of you. Whatever they do will be deemed as hostility." Nugu finally looked straight at him, dark eyes flashing. "But don't worry. We shall take you to my friends."

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