50. A Furious Elvenking

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~ Thranduil is Not Happy™. Wynne tries to talk reason with him. ~

50. A Furious Elvenking

"Adar," Legolas acknowledged, straightening his back.

Thranduil looked more regal than ever, wearing a spectacular gray tunic inlaid with tiny diamonds that created a dazzling brilliance together with his crown.

"What on Arda do you think you are doing?" His sharp, piercing eyes impaled them like they were his twin swords.

"Courting." Legolas' voice was steady but she felt his tension through their joined hands.

His father didn't reply. He didn't have to, that silent fury was more frightening than any words.

"Ada... Please..." Legolas swallowed, the feigned calmness swiftly dissolving. "I-uh figured, if you want to observe her, you could as well do it while we are courting." His forehead creased in defiance. "It is not like courtship is irrevocable."

"I thought we had an agreement." His voice could have frozen Mount Doom.

"Come." Legolas pulled on her arm, turning to walk away. Flee, more like it.


She let go of him and went up to Thranduil, secretly wondering if she was sane. He towered over her, equally tall as his son, and his cool gaze sent tremors through her. There was not even a hint of friendliness in his eyes.

She reached out to take his hand, knowing that he would feel how much her own quivered. His many rings dug into her palm uncomfortably.

"We love each other, can't you see that?" she asked earnestly. "And if my behavior somehow displeases you, then teach me. I'm not stupid, I can learn." She silenced, hoping to discern a softness, a sign of resignation, but there was none. His clear eyes didn't even blink.

Suddenly she became annoyed with this cold-hearted statue of a king who thought he could command other people's feelings. She hated quarreling, she hated when others were angry, and she was sick and tired of having to constantly weigh her words and actions to keep someone placated.

Living in her mother's house had felt like cohabiting with a sleeping dragon. And now here Thranduil was behaving exactly the same way except he didn't sink to act out his rage physically.

She glanced at Legolas, taking in his sullen resentment, his jaw set and cheeks pale with anger and disappointment. Did Thranduil even know what Legolas had sacrificed to spare his father's heart? How much it cost him to stay when he wanted peace and healing in Aman. And this was how he was repaid, with cold fury and impossible demands.

A flood of emotion overtook her and she heard her mouth speak heartfelt words without asking her brain permission. "I make your son happy but you only drive him away!"

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