49. Preparing For a Party

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~ Éowyn attracts an audience and has a job offer to the elves. Wynne and Legolas do something brave. ~

49. Preparing For a Party

"I knew they would be friends! Look how cute Elboron is, lending his little wood horse to Muzadi. Nugu? Nugu!" Sidra elbowed her husband whose eyes again had strayed to the boy's mother. "Would you quit that," she hissed.

"Um what?" His face turned a darker shade of gray.

"They are all doing it," murmured Wynne, observing the company on the patio where chairs had been set out for the guests to enjoy the midday sun. Nodir and Bronedir sat on either side of the Shieldmaiden, engaging her in conversation, and a bit further away even Thranduil threw glances in her direction.

Well not all, actually. Galion was more interested in playing with the children and Legolas did his stomach-strengthening exercises on the lawn. He looked unusually content today, and if he gazed at anyone, Wynne smugly noticed it was mostly at her.

Gimli came out to join them, his girlfriend in tow. "Ach, lovely morning!"

"Try noon," remarked Thranduil dryly.

Éowyn abandoned the elven brothers and moved her chair to Wynne's and Sidra's. "Your sons are adorable, madam," she said with a dimpled smile.

Dimples? She even had bloody dimples! When Eru dealt out graces to his creations he must somehow have slipped and given a double share to this woman.

Sidra beamed at the praise. "Please, call me Sidra. And your boy is lovely as well. Is he going to be a big brother soon?" She indicated Éowyn's waist, that, now that she pointed it out, actually seemed a bit swollen.

"He shall, aye." Éowyn laughed happily. "This autumn. You must advise me how to best break it to Elboron. Your boys seem to get along so well!"

The women began to speak animatedly about siblings and childbirths, and Wynne's attention swiftly returned to Legolas who had just finished his last sit up.

He wiped his face on a towel and came to sit cross legged by her feet, ignoring his father's frown. "What a fine day! And tonight a feast too. Will there be dancing?" he asked Éowyn.

"We could have dancing if you like," she dimpled. "My husband has engaged a group of musicians for tonight and I'm sure they can play anything we ask them."

"Dinnae serve strong drinks to the laddie, mind ye," sniggered Gimli, pulling a chair to sit by them. "Has Master Elf told ye of our drinking contest?"

"Not much," said Wynne, smirking. She knew he had not been honest that time!

"Let's talk about something else," Legolas suggested. "My lady, I must compliment you on this park. The honeysuckle is amazing and those cute linden saplings over there too."

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