52. To the White City

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~ Legolas and Thranduil have another much needed talk

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~ Legolas and Thranduil have another much needed talk. Later everyone goes "oooh" at a pretty city and Legolas learns a shocking truth about the half-elven. ~

52. To the White City

"Ain't she a beauty? Look at 'em pillars." Gimli beamed proudly at the new Bridge of Osgiliath.

"Aye. Well done, Master Dwarf! And your workers, of course." Legolas grinned at his friend's enthusiasm. It was so good to be together again. He had missed the dwarf immensely.

They dismounted and crossed the beautiful stone structure on foot, guided by Gimli.

"Over here is yer plaque, Legolas. We all got one."

The plaque was a rectangular bronze sign on one of the railing posts. It had Legolas' name engraved under the header "Fellowship Hero" and a crude drawing of a bow.

It actually felt rather good to have a plaque. Hero. That had a nice ring to it.

"Mine's bigger than yers," said Gimli smugly. His was on the next post, similar except for an ax-drawing instead. And yes, his actually looked slightly larger.

"You did not...!" Legolas tried to hold back his laughter, not sure if he was annoyed or amused. Then he straightened his back, letting himself loom over the dwarf to emphasize their height difference. "But I guess it is only fair that your sign should be big when you are so small. Even when walking on stilts."

"Hrmpf. Must be cold and windy for yer head up there," the dwarf muttered, stomping off on his high-soled boots.

"This is beautiful." Thranduil stroked the decorative edgings of the white top rail.

Legolas turned in surprise. His adar had not spoken one word to him since they parted in the corridor yesterday. "It is," he agreed, trying to think of something more to say. Something friendly to heal the new rift between them.

As usual, he failed. Instead he lingered, hoping his adar would break the silence. They were alone now with their friends already some way ahead.



Their gazes met and his breath hitched. Thranduil's face was open, his guard completely down in a way he had never seen, eyes  brimming with pain and sadness.

It nearly broke Legolas' heart to see him like that. "What is wrong?" He tentatively reached out to touch his shoulder.

"Am I really driving you away?"

His hand dropped again, a chill traveling down his spine. Those had been Wynne's words. Had Thranduil taken them that much to heart to make him look this hurt?

He tried to come up with a good answer, something to smooth things over, but his mind was blank. He settled for the truth. "Not... not as such. But you tend to shut me out. You never tell me what you think. Or feel..."

Riding With the Elves // Legolas x OCWhere stories live. Discover now