Frosting (Ray Imagine)

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A/N: my Ray imagines get the least reads but this underrated bean needs love too >:(

I push the cart down the baking isle, "I can't believe you signed us up to make 200 cupcakes." I groan, browsing through all the flavors.

"I can't believe how hot you look when you're annoyed." He smiles, leaning down to kiss my forehead. I roll my eyes in response and start dropping various boxes of batter and frosting into the cart, "Baby," he coos, "it's for Cherry and Lily's birthday!"

"I love them to death but who the hell needs 200 cupcakes." I sigh.

Frank better not drop them this year like he did last time. I swear to god I'll shove a frosting pipe up his nose and squeeze it until it explodes from his ears.


Ray pulls another batch out of the oven, placing it next to the tray of cupcakes I just finished decorating.

"Hey!" I catch him dipping his finger in the frosting. He stares at me, his finger still in his mouth, trying not to laugh. He quickly pulls it out, only to smack his hand into another cupcake.

"Aw!" He grunts, lifting his arm to reveal his hand coated in frosting and crushed cake.

"Looks like they're only getting 199." I cover my mouth to hold back my laughter.

His eyebrows raise as he gives me a look, "Oh, you think it's funny huh?" He says deviously.

He grabs a cupcake, and before I have a chance to react, he scrapes it against my cheek. I jump back in shock, my mouth agape, "Raymond Toro!" I scold.

"Y/F/N!" He mocks, licking the cupcake off his hand.

I swipe the bowl of frosting off the counter, scooping a glob into my hand. He quickly notices my intentions and runs to the other side of the kitchen, "Don't even think about it!" He warns, holding his arms out in an attempt to shield himself.

I sprint over to him and smash it right into his hair. He lets of a loud squeal, and I'm dying of laughter.

"My fro!" He cries out. Suddenly, his arms wrap around my waist and he throws me over his shoulder.

"No!" I shout as he carries me to the bathroom. I try wiggling free with no avail. Before I know it, we're both soaked in the shower, fully clothed. A combination of laughter and screaming rings through the house, and we completely forget about the cupcakes.

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