Amusement Park (Gerard Imagine)

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(Hey, guys! This one's really short, but I had to publish something so you guys know I'm not dead XD )

I smile at my boyfriend as he proudly hands me the stuffed penguin he just won for me. Another toy to the pile.

"Babe, six is enough." I giggle, growing tired of carrying so many stuffed animals.

"But you deserve the world."

I roll my eyes, "Then you carry it because it's fucking heavy."

He takes the stuffed animals from my arms, "You just have no upper body strength."

"Damn straight."

We keep walking atound the amusement park, trying to decide on what to do next, making small talk whilst we do so.

"How bout that?" Gerard points.

"The Ferris Wheel?"

"Yeah. We can be the typical book cliché where the guy and the girl get stopped at the top, having mere seconds to look into each other's eyes, but in those few seconds they get to count a handful of the reasons why they fell in love with the other, just before the ride starts back up again." He gets lost in his words.

"You should write fanfiction." I laugh, taking note on how poetic he is.

"Shut up!" He says as we make our way to the ferris wheel.

Once we get off that, we hit a few more rides. By the end of the night, we're back home, cuddled up and discussing our favorite parts of the day.

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