Hers~ Part 3/ Alternate Ending (Mikey Imagine)

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(A/N: Here you go! I said if we got 100 votes on part 3, I'd make an ae, and though you only got 99, I figured it was close enough. It's pretty much the same but it's different at the end, so... Enjoy!)

For three days, we avoided contact. He wouldn't talk to me when he came over, and I wouldn't even look at him. Today is day four, and as each long, painful day drags on, one thought keeps reappearing in my mind.

Leave. Just pack a bag, crawl out the window, and find someone who cares about you. . .

I don't know how much longer I can take it. Each giggle heard from another room adds another tear in my heart. The "Hey, baby." or "I love you!" are destroying me. And now... I can't even enjoy the solitude of secrecy that I had before they realized that I'm in love with Mikey.

"I'll never feel that way about you."

I'm so silly. How could he love me? Playing video games with someone doesn't make you soulmates! God, idiot!

My suitcase calls my name louder as my thoughts refuse to stop.

They'd be happier with me gone. I wouldn't be in the way of their love. Maybe if I run away, I'll move on from Mikey. That way, we'll both be happy.

Lifting the window open, I turn my head back to my room, smiling slightly. I don't linger, the exciting noises of the LA night calling for me to follow them. I throw my suitcase out of the window first before jumping out myself, my feet carrying me further and further away from the house I once called home.

It's their home now.

Before I know it, I've found my way to the Walk of Fame.

David Bowie

Jared Leto

Janet Jackson

All names of those who've inspired me. Even though there's so many names beneath me, I can only think of his.

Maybe getting over him won't be as easy as I thought. Come on, Y/N! He doesn't want you... he's hers.

Suddenly, I feel a buzzing in my pocket- my phone. I pull it out.



Soon enough, my phone starts ringing again in my hand. They must know I'm gone.


With a sigh, I turn my phone off and shove it in my pocket, trying hard to fight the tears that want to run free from my eyes. I keep walking.

As the traffic of LA hums beside me, I have to second guess myself when I hear someone call my name.

It was nothing.

With my head down, I pick up my pace, but I hear it again, "Y/N!" I stop in my tracks and spin around, squinting as I see a distant figure running towards me. My grip tightens on my suitcase as I sprint in the other direction, the safeness I felt soon turning into fear as the unknown person chases me.

I glance behind me to see if they are still following me, but before I can even catch a glimpse, my foot catches the sidewalk, and I'm sent crashing down, my head hitting the concrete earth beneath me.

I roll over onto my back, squeezing my eyes shut, trying to block out the pounding pain in my head, "Fuck..." I groan to myself.

Quick footsteps approach me, and I'm afraid to open my eyes, "Y/N!"

I freeze.

My eyes slowly open in time to see Mikey kneeling down next to me, a look of panic on his features. Tears sting my eyes once more. I sit up, leaning on my hands as I scootch away from him, "No, leave me alone. I-I'm not going back!" I shout, my vision spinning.

He reaches out to me, but I flinch away, "I said no! You don't want me, and I can except that! I will not put myself through hell anym-" Suddenly, his lips crash into mine before I have a chance to react. I freeze again before melting into his embrace, my hands tangling in his hair. Once he pulls away, I'm left speechless and out of breath.

His eyes scan mine as he helps me onto my feet, "Mikey... we can't do this. Kristin-"

"Shh," he cuts me off, "Y/N... I've been meaning to talk to you..." He holds up two train tickets, "We can leave, we can go wherever we want so we can... be together."

My eyes go wide, "W-what?"

He grabs my hands, "I can't hide my feelings anymore know that I know you feel the same. Let's run away, then we won't have to worry about Kristin or anyone coming between us!"

I pull away, "Mikey, she's my sister... And she's your fiancé! I-I can't hurt her like that." A sigh escapes my lips as I stare up at him in disbelief.

He takes a step closer, our bodies almost touching, "I left her a note, she'll understand eventually. Trust me... I'm in love with you, please come with me."

Minutes pass as I just stare at him in silence, considering the whole situation, "Okay..." I slowly allow myself to smile. A smile forms on his own lips as he lifts me up and spins me around.

"Then let's go!"

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