Roommates~Part 2 (Frank Imagine)

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(A/N: Within this mini-series, there will be multiple Lindsey fluff scenarios. Obviously, this is a Frank based imagine mini series, so you and Lindsey will not date nor hook up, but there will be cuddles, kisses, hand holding, etc. Linds will not have a crush on you, and you won't have one on her (as much as we all do irl) but you will have a really cute friendship :) That's all!)

I pull out my wallet to help pay for lunch, but Frank stops me, "It's okay, Y/N, I'll pay for you." He speaks with a smile.

"Are you sure?" I ask, feeling guilt float into my mind, like it always does when somebody buys me something.

He nods quickly, running a hand through his hair.

I bite down on my lip, "Thanks, Frank."

He just smiles and places the money down on the table, and Gerard offers to pay for Linds. She accepts his offer while looking down at her feet. She must have a similar guilt like me.

"You better believe I'm tipping." I jump in, placing six dollars on the table.

Frank shakes his head, but I cut him off before he can decline, "No. You're being kind enough to pay for me, so I'm tipping, whether you like it or not."

His cheeks flush a rosey red as he breaks eye contact, "Damn." He mutters under his breath.

I chuckle, following Linds as she slides out of the booth. The boys walk next to us as we leave the café, "Thanks guys." Linds speaks, shyly.

Gerard gives her a small smile, "Anytime."

The four of us explore the rest of the campus together, "Wanna check out my room?" Linds asks as we stop in front of me and Frank's.

"Sure." I answer, hearing Frank sigh.

She grabs my hand and drags me down the hall. I have to jog to keep up with her. The two of us in a fit of giggles, she pushes her door open, and I follow her in. Both sides of the room are decorated with band posters, and a black bass sits next to the bed to the left. Linds plops down on it, extending her arms, "Here's the Hobbit hole!"

"Nice!" I chuckle, sitting down next to her, "You play bass?"

"Oh yeah," She says enthusiastically, "Wanna hear?"

I nod quickly, and she picks up the bass, resting it on her lap before strumming a simple, but really cool rythm. I clap when she finishes, making her giggle, "Thanks."

"No really, that was good!" I beam as she rests the bass back on its stand.

"Thanks, boo!" She laughs, flopping onto her back. I lay down next to her and stare at the white ceiling.

It's weird... I normally don't click with people like this, but there's something about Linds that makes me feel comfortable around her.

"Can I tell you something?" She props herself up on her elbow and faces me.

I look up at her, using my arm to lift my head up a bit, "Sure."

"I think I have a crush on Gerard. Nah, scratch that, I want him to fuck the shit out of me."

I choke on air and sit up quickly, "Lindsey!" My choking turns into uncontrollable laughter, "Oh my god!"

"What?" She chuckles, her eyebrows raised, "I have my desires."

I take a sec to catch my breath, "That's fine, it's just funny how blunt you are."

"Well, I'm comfortable around you, but if you tell anyone, I'm shaving your head while you sleep." She teases, sitting up and grabbing my hands, playing with my fingers, "That Frank dude is pretty hot. I could see you two hittin' it in a janitor's closet."

I lean over and rest my head on her shoulder, still laughing, "Holy shit, I love you!"

"I know."

I pull back after my laughter dies down, "I should probably head back to my room, my class starts in a half hour, and I need to get ready."

Linds glances at the clock on the wall, "Which class?"

"Harper's art."

Her eyes go wide, "I'm in his class too!"

"Awesome!" I cheer.

"Gimme your phone." Linds holds out her hand. With a questioning look, I place my phone in her hand. She types something in then hands it back to me, "The class is boring. This way we can entertain ourselves." I look down and see she added her phone number to my contacts.


After an entire hour of texting Linds with the monotone voice of Professor Harper in the background, the bell finally dismisses us.

"I'll catch you later, Y/N!" Linds calls as she struts back to her room. I wave in responce before entering my own, seeing Frank screwing around on his laptop.

"Hey, Frankenstein." I greet, storing my sketchbook on my shelf.

"Hello, (your nickname)." He replies, shutting his laptop, "How was Horrible Harper's?"

"Horrible." I chuckle, grabbing a Coke from our mini fridge.

"So, there's a movie playing on campus tonight for, like, a relaxing first day type of vibe. Wanna go with me?" He asks slowly.

I turn my head to look at him, feeling butterflies float around in my stomach, "Yeah, I guess so."

"Cool!" He shouts, realising he was a bit too enthusiastic, "I mean, cool. So, I'll pick you up around 7:00?"

I raise my eyebrows and try not to laugh, "Frank..."

"Oh, right! Roomates... ha. Do you have to pee? Because I do!" He runs into the bathroom, and I hear the click of the lock. I cover my mouth with my hand to keep my laughter quiet. Why do I make him so nervous?




Hello everybody! Sorry this took me so long to write :( I've had some bad writer's block, and the whole thing with Frank and the bus accident got me so stressed. I'm just glad he and the rest of the members are healing up :) If Frank doesn't cancel any other dates, which is completely understandable if he does, I'm supposed to go to one of his concerts at the end of the month. I got VIP tickets, so hopefully I get to meet him, which has got me pretty stoked. Anyway, I'll see you guys in the next imagine! Let me know what you think of this Part.

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