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Hey, killjoys! This isnt going to be an imagine, but I have some stuff I want to talk about.

First off, I hope you all had a great Christmas! If you don't celebrate it, then I hope you had a great day!

Secondly, *sighs* I feel like I'm very slowly falling out of the MCRmy. I don't know, I guess it's just getting old listening to all the old music. It also kinda sucks that our fandom can't look forward to new music. I still love the guys and the music they make/made, but I'm just not a hardcore fan anymore. I WILL still be making MCR imagines, simply because it's fun and you guys seem to like them, so don't worry, I'm not leaving! Remember, I take requests!

Lastly, I just published the first chapter of a new book! It's called Shy (Jared Leto X Reader). Why yes, I am a Letosexual and proud member of the Echelon. So, please go check it out if you want! Also, I have a bunch of other stories, so go read those while I take another four years to make a new imagine. Btw I'm sorry it takes me so long to make new imagines! Anyway, those stories consist of MCR, Frerard, Joker, and PewDiePie. So, go browse them and see if any of them interest you!

Okay, that's it. Sorry for the advertisement and all that shit, but yeah! I'll try to have a new imagine out soon. Probably the 4th part to Roommates. If I don't update before the new year, I'll see you all in 2017!

Rip Carrie Fisher. Thank you for protecting the galaxy.

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