Snowed In (Gerard Imagine)

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Heyyyy guyssss! I felt inspired to write so here's an update. I'm not promising updating schedules anymore because obviously I haven't been keeping it up, and I'm so sorry! Enjoy!

I drown my teacher's lecture out by sketching over my notes, already knowing I'd regret it by the time I'd have to study, but not really caring. The last 45 minutes of class are the worst. Each minute is dreadfully slow, and the only thought on everyone's mind is to go home.

Some kids have the right idea by leaving to use the restroom and not coming back for 10 minutes, but I'd rather sit and draw, hoping Mr. Stario doesn't call on me to answer anything. He usually doesn't, so hopefully the trend continues.

I've been glancing up every few minutes to make it appear as though I'm paying attention, but instead of seeing the familiar beige classroom walls and the backs of my peers' heads, I notice movement in my peripheral vision by the window. It's snowing. Typical for mid-January weather, however there was no forecast for snow today.

As my pencil returns to hit my paper once again, I feel something light hit my shoulder. Twisting in the seat, I look back and see my friend Gerard pointing downward. Following the direction of his finger, I see he is pointing to a crumbled piece of paper that bounced off my shoulder and landed on the floor.

I raise an eyebrow at him before picking it up without drawing attention from Mr. Stario.

Go to the bathroom. I'll be out in a minute.

At the note's command, I raise my arm in the air.

"Yes, Y/N? Finally going to answer a question?" Mr. Stario beams, looking at me through the glasses perched on the tip of his nose.

"Uh, no. I was just wondering if I can go to the bathroom?" I mumble.

"Can you? I think you're the only one who knows that." He replies. The whole class, including myself, sighs. Yes, he is the type of teacher who has this exact response every time someone asks to go to the bathroom. Most days I'd just correct my grammar, but today I'm more antsy to get out of this damn room.

"Can you make your teaching a little more interesting so I can survive without three cups of coffee to keep me awake during this class?" I shoot back, mocking his monotone voice.
My classmates erupt in a chorus of "Ooohs!"

A look of surprise shields his face, and he stares at me blankly for a few seconds before replying, "Don't forget the hall pass."

My chair screeches against the floor as I rise to my feet and stride over to the door, not bothering to grab the pink hall pass that sits on the table beside the exit.

The hallways are colder than the classrooms, it's always been this way in this old school. The district can't afford good heating, so most of us just got used to wearing layers. A shiver always rushed down my spine though whenever I feel the temperature difference.

My back rests against one of the lockers as I wait for Gerard, wondering what he wants. Soon enough, the classroom door clicks open and he walks out. Once the door shuts he shoves his hands in his pockets and strides over to me. I watch as the little curls at the tips of his hair bounce as he moves. I like the little details most people wouldn't notice about him.

"What's up?" I ask as he approaches me. He leans against the locker next to the one I'm on, running a hand through his hair.

"Did you see it snowing out there?" He exhales, his eyes directed at my lips.

I bite them, waiting to see what his reaction will be. He just looks back up to my eyes.

I've had a crush on Gerard since Freshmen year; we were in the same art class and got sat next to each other. Because of the seating chart we were paired for every project and got to know each other very well. Sometimes I think he might like me back, but he gives so many mixed signals so I've never brought my feelings up.

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