A Very Way Christmas (Mikey Imagine)

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I check my outfit in the mirror.

"I told you that you didn't have to dress fancy." Mikey says from behind me while he brushes his hair.

"I know, but this is the first time I'm meeting your family. I want to make a good impression." I explain, putting my earings on.

"Trust me, they aren't fancy people. We'd be lucky if Gerard ends up even joining us for dinner. All he does is sit in his room in his boxers drawing."

I roll my eyes, "I'm sure that's not true."

"You'd be surprised."


Mikey knocks on the door of a red brick house. Of the four months we've been together, I've never been to his house or met his family. He lives in a pretty shady part of town... well, pretty much all of Belleville is shady, but he was concerned for my saftey so we always just hung out at my place.

A blonde woman opens the door, "Mikey!" She cheers as she engulfs him in a hug.

When she pulls away, she looks at me, an eyebrow raised, "Oh, honey, you didn't have to dress up."

I scan her stained blouse and ripped jeans, "You don't say." I mumble under my breath.

She chuckles, "Well, come on inside, guys!"

We follow her in, and Mikey closes the door behind him.

"Wait," I whisper to Mikey, "you just knocked on the door of your own house?"

"Don't question me."

I roll my eyes as he grabs onto my hand, giving it a quick squeeze.

"Mikey and Y/N are here!" His mom calls.

A man walks into the living room, extending his hand to me, "Hello. I'm Donald. It's great to finally meet you."

"You too, sir." I smile as we shake hands.

"Oh, yeah. I'm Donna." His mom laughs, giving me a quick hug, "I thought Mikey told you."

"He did," I lie so no tensions form, "I just didn't know what you would want to be addressed by."

"Don and Donna is fine." Don says.

I nod in understandment.

"Well, Mikey, Y/N, shall we move this party to the dining room. Dinner is almost done." Donna smiles.

We all walk into the dining room.
A boy who looks a little older than Mikey is sitting in the chair closest to the back corner of the room. Next to him is a girl, her black hair in pig tails and red lipstick on her lips. His hand is her thigh, but he pull back once we walk in.

"Hey, bro." The boy greets, an annoyed tone to his voice.

"Finally crawled out of your hole for once, I see." Mikey replies, pulling my chair out for me.

I sit down, thanking him quietly.

"I see you finally lost your virginity. Oh wait, that can't be. Must be thinking of the wrong person." The boy smirks, making the girl next to him giggle.

"Can't you two act normal for once. It's Christmas!" Don sighs, sitting down at the head of the table.

"It's Gerard, not me!" Mikey snaps.

"Mikey started it!" The boy, Gerard whines.

"Unless both of you shut up, you're grounded!" Donna shouts from the kitchen.

"I'm twenty years old! You can't ground me anymore!" Gerard shouts back.

Donna stomps in from the kitchen, grabbing onto Gerard's ear, "Fucking try me!"

"Ow! Ow! Ow!" Gerard cries, swatting at her hand, "I'm sorry! I'll stop!"

So, I'm assuming he's the bottom in his relationship.

"That's what I thought," Donna smirks, before turning to the girl, "Lindsey, you're used to this," she looks over at me, "Y/N, you better get used to it if you're gonna be with my son."

With that, she struts back into the kitchen.

"Cool family, right?" Lindsey whispers over to me.

I just chuckle and nod.

Within five minutes, Donna brings the food out and spreads it across the table.

"Dig in!"


Gerard tears open the gift that Mikey brought for him, glaring up at him as the wrapping paper falls to the floor, "Asshole."

"Oh, I didn't know you did anal! I guess you won't be needing those then!" Mikey gasps as he reaches for the extra small condoms he bought Gerard for Christmas.

Lindsey and I laugh hysterically and Don and Donna just shake their heads.

Donna hands me a present. I open it, seeing that it's a $45 Visa gift card, "Don and I weren't sure what you liked, so I hope that's good enough."

"Of course it is! I wasn't even expecting anything. Thank you!" I reply, slipping the card into my wallet.

"Well, Mom, Dad, Lindsey, dickhead, I think it's time for me to take Y/N home. I'm sure you traumatized her enough." Mikey says, standing up and taking my hand.


"Interesting family." I comment as we get into Mikey's car.

"I hope we didn't ruin your Christmas." He sighs.

"It was the best one I've had in a long time."

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