Jealous? (Ray Imagine)

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A/N: Finally a new imagine! Again, sorry for the wait! Before you continue, I have one thing- I am working on a new book, and I am too lazy to make a cover. Seeing as a lot of you are good at it from our cover contest a while ago, I am asking if anyone interested could make me a cover? All participants will be given shoutouts. Please let me know if you are interested, it's another imagines book (Title- Colby Brock Imagines) Thank you :)

Flashing lights surge around the club as loud music beats through every speaker in the building. Sweating bodies collide as everyone dances to the songs, drinking more alcohol as the night drags on.

You look around, seeing your boyfriend who accompanied you had disappeared from your side. You take this as an opportunity to grab another drink from the bar. Pushing through the crowd, you approach the bar and order a beer. You decide to sit down to drink. Ray would find you eventually.

As you reach the halfway mark of your bottle, a man sits down next to you, smirking.

"Can I help you?" You snap, seeing his intentions through the look in his eyes. His eyebrows raise, but the smirk remains plastered on his lips.

"Sounds like you need another drink," he chuckles," can I get you one?"

"No, actually I'm here with-"

"Me." You turn your head and watch as Ray gets dangerously close to the man who was trying to order you a drink. A small smile rises to your lips at your boyfriend's rescue, "Now go find some other girl. She's mine." He growls, and the man quickly scatters off.

Ray sits down and looks at you lustfully. You twirl your hair with your finger while biting down on your lip seductively, "I didn't know you couldn't handle jealousy at all." You smirk.

He scoffs, "I'm not jealous."

"Then what would you call how you just acted?"

He leans in, centimeters away from your face, "I'm very protective of what's mine, Y/N." he whispers. You barely heard it over the music, but you knew what he said, which only made your drunken mind crave him more. You pull him in for a passionate kiss before the two of you head back out to the dance floor and enjoy the rest of the night.

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