Secret Meetings (Mikey Imagine)

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Life has never been easy for you. When you were just two years old, your mother died of cancer, shifting your father into an abusive drunk. It pains you more to watch his self-destruction than when he hits you. All of this pain caused you to think you'd never be happy again, that is until you met your boyfriend, Mikey.
He's the only thing that makes you forget about the pain of your father, even if it is just for a short moment.

Most nights, you sneak out of the house to capture a moment with Mikey. Tonight is one of those nights. Quietly, you creep down the stairs, seeing your drunken father passed out on the recliner in your living room. Seeing as he's out cold, you pass right through the living room and out the front door. The cool autumn air hits your face, making you wish you had grabbed a jacket.

Looking back at your house once more to assure yourself of your father's slumber, you cross the border from your yard to the woods. The crisp leaves crunch beneath your feet as you walk along the path to the fallen oak where you and Mikey meet.
After meer minutes of walking, you reach the fallen oak, Mikey sitting on top of it. He slides off when he notices you, greeting you with a hug and a peck on the lips.

"Hey, beautiful." Mikey smiles down at you, the moonlight shadowing his face.

You smile back at him, absorbing the moment.

"I brought you something." Mikey states excitedly.


He nods, digging through his pockets. He pulls out a silver chain, half a heart dangling on the end.

Your eyes widen with joy at the simple, but to you best, gift you've ever received.

"It's beautiful, Mikey! Thank you!" You exclaim, holding your hand out so he can give it to you.

He places it in your small hand, stopping to stare at an exposed bruise on your arm.

"He hit you again..." He trails off.

"I'm okay, Mikes. Really, I'm fine," You fake a smile, "Put it on me?" You change the subject to the necklace.

He takes the chain and latches it around your neck, "Thank you."

Mikey grabs you by your waist, pulling you into him. Placing your hands on his firm chest and looking up at him, you watch as a small smile appears on his face, "I'll get you out of here one day. I'll make sure you never have to see your dad again. I promise, beautiful, I'll give you a better life."

You place your hand on his face, tracing your fingers along his jawline, "My life has been so much better since I've met you."

He flashes another smile, which he only seems to do around you, and leans in, planting a passionate kiss amongst your cracked lips.

"(Y/N)!" Both of you pull away, fear surging throughout you at the sound of your father's deep, angry voice. "(Y/N!)" he repeats.

You bury your face in Mikey's chest, feeling as though he is your safe haven. He caresses your hair, whispering comforting words to you while you quietly cry.

"I don't want to go back." You whimper.

"Stay with me, baby. He can't hurt you when you're with me."

You look up into his eyes, trusting him with your life. You knew you would follow Mikey till the ends of the earth, as long as you were away from your father and with the man of your dreams.


Hey, killjoys! So, I tried writing in second person. Honestly, it's kind of easier. Which do you guys prefer? First or second person? Let me know.

Lots of love. Keep running.


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