All I Want for Christmas is You (Frank Imagine)

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(Hey, killjoys! Before you carry on with the imagine, please go check out my friend MeowKat23 's new fic! It's a Naruto! It's called Spring Avalanche. Go check it out if you want!)

Christmas music ringing through the speakers, hand in hand with my boyfriend, Frank, we walk around the mall, getting our Christmas shopping done.

"Hey, Ray." Frank waves as we pass Ray, who works as an elf for the Santa station, "Nice spandex."
"I'll drop kick you, Iero." Ray mutters quietly.

"Wouldn't that get you on the naughty list?" I chime in with a smirk.

He rolls his eyes, "You two really are perfect for each other.... you're both sarcastic assholes."

"Damn straight!" Frank shoves Ray's shoulder.

"Look," Ray sighs, "I gotta get back to work. See you guys later."
Frank and I carry on down the strip, scanning all of the stores.

"Okay, babe, as much as I hate it, I have to get you stuff yet, so..."

"No," I grip onto his arm, "I told you I don't want anything besides you."

He chuckes and kisses the top of my head, "Princesses need presents too. I'll be right back. Just go roam for a bit, and I'll meet you at the pretzel place, yeah?"

I nod in defeat, watching as he spins on his heels and walks away from me.

Might as well look around.

I already got all of his shopping done. I hope he likes the guitar I got him. He smashed his old one because the string broke, and he didn't know how to fix it. He was going insane from not being able to play, so I fished out some of my money and bought him a new one. If he smashes this one, I'm breaking his nose.

I wander into the vinyl store, looking through a bunch of Bowie albums.

"Hey, Y/N!" I hear a familiar voice call from behind me.

I turn around and see Gerard standing behind the checkout counter, "Hey, dude. I didn't know you worked here!" I say as I walk up to him.

"Oh, yeah. They just hired me yesterday." He smiles.

"Do you get any discounts? Cuz if you do, you better pass me that shit." I joke.

"I do actually. 30% off every vinyl. It's a sweet deal."

"Hell yeah it is!" I agree, getting jealous of his job.

"So, where's Frankie?"

"He's wandering around shopping." I tell him, smiling at the thought of Frank.

Out of nowhere, every light in the mall goes out, and I see the glow of fire from outside in the main strip.

"Holy shit! Is the place on fire?" I start panicking.

"Let's go check it out." Gerard says excitedly, pulling his phone out of his pocket. "I'll be right behind you."

I walk out of the shop, my eyebrows raising at the rows of candles lining the strip. People stand on both sides, roses in their hands.

"What the hell?" I say to myself, continuing down the hall.

From a distance, I see Frank standing in the gazebo at the center of the mall. Candles circle it, giving it a nice glow.

I walk down to him, slowly and confused.

When I get within arms length, he grabs my hand and pulls me into the gazebo.

"What's going on?" I smile up at him.

He stays silent, lowering onto one knee. I cover my mouth with my hands to keep from screaming, tears filling my eyes.

"Y/N... fuck. You know I've never been good with the sappy shit, but I've always been good with saying I love you... because I do. I love you so, so much. Y-you make me happy, and you're so god damn beautiful. You're smile makes my day so much brighter, but I want your heart to make the rest of my life perfect. Y/N, will you marry me?"

Tears run down my face, and I nod frantically. The people around us start clapping, and I see Gerard from the corner of my eye, recording everything.

"Yes!" I cry, and he stands up, wrapping me in a tight hug. He pulls back, and slips the silver ring onto my finger.

He cups my face with his hands and gives me a long passionate kiss, "This better be the best fucking gift you've ever gotten."

"You're all I've ever wanted."

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