New Cover???

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Hello, killjoys! I hope you're all doing well, especially with that last imagine, am I right? Haha, I know I'm evil. Regina Mills who? (I love you if you understand that reference. I love you even if you don't, you are important either way :)

Anyway, I figured it's time for a new cover to this book, considering it's been the same for over a year. Here's the thing... I'm lazy as fuck, and I don't really do a lot of Author/ Reader interactions besides replying to comments and the occasional Q&A, so I figured, why not let you guys make some?

Here's how I was thinking it could work-

You guys can make some and then DM them to me (You will of course be given credit) and then I'll make a voting chapter where you can vote on your favorite! Which ever one has the most votes wins! Yeah?

Let me know if you want to make one, just so I know I'm not wasting my time.

That's it for now! I can't wait to see your submissions!


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