Q&A (My answers)

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Hey, guys! I know I said I would make a video, but self esteem issues and all that... SO! I'm just going to type out my answers instead.

Q: What was the first MCR song you heard and the last MCR song you heard? What did you think of them?

A: Okay! So, I was introduced to MCR at a very young age. The first song I heard by them was Helena when I was four. It played during the end credits of House of Wax, and I was hooked. As I got older, my dad got me thwir CDs, and yeah! Since I've been a fan now for about ten years, I've heard all of their songs, and the last one I heard was Fake Your Death since we're going in chronological order. I think all the songs are amazing!

Q: Do you suck dick for cocaine?

A: All day, everyday ;)

Q: What's your favorite food and why?

A: Probably tacos or Greek salad. I don't know why, they're just sooooo fucking good!

Q: Who is your favorite MCR member and why?

A: I don't have a favorite because they are all equally important. However, in terms of who I'm most attracted to, it's Gerard! He's fine as fuck.

Q: At least 5 things you want in the dictionary?

A: 1. Jangus
     2. Letosexual
     3. Meme
     4. Fifty shades of Way
     5. Blobkus

Q: If you could have any super hero, what would it be?

A: I'm not sure if you meant to say superpower, but I'm going to answer for both. Super hero- I'd keep Batman in my basement so he could beat the shit out of my enemies. Superpower- Probably the ability to switch bodies with people. Either that or teleportation.

Q: If a genie offered you 3 wishes, what would they be?

A: 1. All my family remain healthy and happy.

2. My future children never have to go through depression/ bullying/ mental illnesses.


Q: If MCR came back and FOB broke up again what would you do?

A: I would sob violently in both scenarios.

Q: What would happen if Ryan Ross came back to PATD?

A: Him and Brendon would have the butt secks

Q: What do you think about our lord and savior Mikey Way?

A: I'M SO HAPPY HE'S GOING TO BE A DAD!!!!!! The smol bean deserves to be happy. He's too precious for this world :,)

Welp, those are all the questions! Thank you all who asked, I hope my answers meet your expectations. If they don't, fuck you I don't care :D Anyway, Imma start a new imagine! Byeeee!


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