Prom Proposal (Gerard Imagine) Part Two

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(Requested by DinoJayJay)

I can't help but shed a tear after checking the time. 9:13.

"I'll pick you up around 8:00?"

He isn't coming.

Just as I'm about to untie my Converse, my doorbell sounds. With a sigh, I walk down the stairs and open the door, revealing a worried looking Gerard.

"I'm so s-sorry! My car kinda b-broke d-d-down. If you don't want to g-go anymore, I understand." He rocks back and forth on his heels as he rambles, acting like making eye contact would kill him.

"Hey, it's fine. We still have an hour." I grab his hand and smile.

His face turns red, I'm assuming because I'm holding his hand.

"Uh, I-um..."

"C'mon. Let's get going." I pull him off of the porch and to the sidewalk in front of my house.

As we walk, he turns his head to me, looking me up and down, "You look beautiful, (Y/N)." He says so quietly I almost don't hear him.

"Oh... Thank y-you." I trip over my words, not expecting him to say something like that.

We walk the rest of the way to school in a comforting silence, never taking our hands apart. The only light coming from the moonlight and dim street lamps.

Once we arrive, Gerard holds the door open for me, and we walk in, making our way to the gym where prom is being held. The second we enter, we hear the familiar voice of Patrick Stump. Patrick is one of Gerard's friends, so I don't know too much about him except that he begged our principal to let him play with his band for prom.

" Is this more than you bargained for yet?
Oh don't mind me I'm watching you two from the closet,
Wishing to be the friction in your jeans-"

Our principal, Mr. Spring, marches on the stage shouting, "Stop! Patrick, stop this profanity! You're done!"

Patrick rolls his eyes, "You know 90% of the students here are going to be screwing when this is over. Just accept our nature."

"Off the stage now!"

Gerard giggles quietly, a small smile on his face.

"This happened last year." Gerard tells me.

"Oh..." Is all I can say.

Patrick and his friends glumly stride off the stage, joining the rest of the crowd. Recorded music starts playing through the speakers.

"Do you want s-something to drink?" Gerard asks.

"Sure!" I say over the music.

Gerard soon disappears to get me a drink, and I'm left standing awkwardly. I'm not alone for long. Now, I'm unfortunately accompanied by Frank.

"Get away from me, Iero." I growl.

"C'mon, baby! One dance?" He whines.

"No." He steps closer to me and wraps his arms around my waist, "Frank, let go of me!"

He does not release me, only wrapping his arms tighter, swaying me side to side.

"Frank, stop! Let me go!" I shout. Out of all the other people surrounding us, you'd think someone would step in and help, but no one does.

"I get what I want, one way or another." He smirks.

I try pulling away, but his grip is too strong, "Please!" I beg.

Suddenly, Gerard appears next to us, "Let go of her." He grunts.

"Oh no! Big, bad, Gerard has come to save the day!" Frank mocks, "What are you gonna do? You're weak. You might as well find another girl to dance with, this one's taken."

Gerard's face hardens, "Let her go." He repeats a bit louder, a hint of anger in his voice.

"I'm shaking in my boots!" Frank chuckles.

Gerard's hand tightens on the drink in his hand, his other hand balled into a fist. Without warning, Gerard jerks his arm up, fruit punch flying out of the plastic cup and splashing right into Frank's face. Frank throws me away from him and frantically wipes his face off.

I trip, landing in Gee's arms. Before Frank can clean his eyes, Gee quickly pulls me out of the gym and out into the hallway.

"Are you okay?" He holds onto my forearms, His voice softening.

"Gee! I can't believe you did that!" I gasp, shocked and proud at the same time.

"I couldn't stand the hurt in your eyes... I don't want anyone to hurt you."

I open my mouth to speak, but no words come out. My brain is having a difficult time comprehending this side of Gerard that I've never seen before.

Seeming as though he has gained some confidence, he grabs my hand and guides me down the empty hallway. I don't ask where we're going, afraid I'll say something stupid the instant I open my mouth.

He opens a door and pulls me through it. Flipping on the light, I now see it's the music room.

He pulls me to the center of the room, "Want to dance?"

"There's no music."

He takes my hands and places them on his shoulders, resting his own hands on my waist. He starts humming a slow tune, and we begin swaying side to side.
Before I know it, he twirls me around and dips me, making sure I don't fall. Once he pulls me back up, our eyes lock. Time stands still as his lips slowly move to mine. Our lips connect, and I melt into him, feeling all of my insecurities fade away. We move in perfect sync together, as though we are the final two puzzle pieces creating the picture.

Damn, this turned out to be a great night after all.

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