Tell me I'm a Bad Man (Gerard Imagine)

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(A/N: This chapter is a little heated, if you catch my drift...)

Bursting with energy along with the rest of the crowd, you jump and scream the lyrics back at your boyfriend, the lead singer of My Chemical Romance, Gerard Way.
As much as you enjoyed watching your boyfriend perform, you couldn't wait for the show to end so you could be close to him. You craved his touch, as you hadn't seen him do to his tour. You were aching for the attention of Gerard.

For the first time during the set, he locks eyes with yours, finding you, noticing you amongst all the other fans in the crowd. A smirk on his face, and a wink sent, he continues to another side of the stage. The girls surrounding you erupt in another wave of screams as a piano tune breaks out, and Gerard brings the mic to his lips.

"I want to hear you fuck yourself! I don't fucking care how loud, how sloppy, I wanna hear it! And it sounds like this!" He starts emitting multiple moans, causing everyone to melt. "Let's here it!"

The crowd mimicked him. You knew your boyfriend well enough to know he was teasing you with his little stunt. Gerard's moans get louder until he starts the intro to "You Know what they do to Guys like us in Prison".

The song ends and the lights dim, fans still screaming from excitement. The lights come back on, the stage empty, and everyone begins filing out of the huge arena. You make your way up to the stage, watching as Gerard signals you with his finger from the side of the stage.

You're stopped by a security guard, "You're not allowed back there." He says, voice deep.

Gerard sneaks up behind him and taps upon his bald head, "Yeah she is."

Gerard grabs you by your hands and pulls you onto the stage, dragging you to his dressing room.

He gently pushes you against a wall, attacking your lips with his own, "I missed you so fucking much." he mutters in between kisses.

"I missed you too." You breath, exhilarated by your boyfriend's presence. It's true, you missed him dearly, and all you wanted was to be with him.

His lips trail over your jawline and down to your neck, surely leaving a few hickeys. After removing his jacket, your hands find their way to his hair, tugging it softly.
With your hands in his messy, black hair, his make their way to the hem of your shirt, tugging it off.

Just as you find the button to his jeans, Mikey walks through the door, "Do you have any eyeli- oh my fucking god!"

The two of you pull apart, and you frantically grab for your shirt.

"Jesus, Mikey!" Gerard shouts, "Take the fucking eyeliner!" He tosses the eyeliner to Mikey, who catches it and runs out of the room.

You and Gerard exchange a laugh before picking up where the two of you left off.


The rest is up to you. Sorry if this chapter sucked, but I tried.

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