Hurt 🖤Kuroken❤

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Today was a long day for Kenma, he had just gotten through 3 tests from the classes he had and his only class with no test was his 2nd class. Kenma hated when he had to take long tests at the end of the school day because it would take him more than an hour to finish since his classes were and hour and a half each. Ontop of that Kenma was a grade lower than Kuroo so it was rare to get a class with him, luckily he got to see Kuroo at lunch but that wasn't for long until Kuroo got called to the office for lord knows what.

Now Kenma had to show up to pratice, he was dragged onto the team because of Kuroo but deep down Kenma doesn't know what he would do without the team. At this point Kenma had only seen Kuroo before he left from lunch and pratice had to start without him.

By now Kenma was on the verge of slipping and with Kuroo not being there made him feel lonely which was one thing he hated when little.

They quickly started up a pratice game against one another. While Kenma was setting his first ball to the spiker on his left he saw Kuroo walk in, this made Kenma's little side want to show so badly. Due to this Kenma didn't fall properly, instead he fell on his foot wrong and twisted his ankle. This was the end of big Kenma....

Kenma started to whimper due to the fact that he didn't properly set the ball to his teammate and he because he fell. Kuroo came running to his side as he inspected his ankle.

"I'm going to take him to the nurse, his ankle seems pretty bad" Kuroo told his team as he picked Kenma up bridal style.

Right as the door to the gym was closed Kenma started bawling. Kuroo was confused as to why the boy was crying other than the fact that his ankle hurt but knowing Kenma he wasn't going to speak up and tell him, atleast not in his state. Instead Kuroo just let the other cry.

"Shhhh kitten it's ok, your fine. What ever your worked up about we can deal with once we get home, for now can you be a big boy and comply with the nurse please?" Kuroo asked as nicely as he could but Kenma only shook his head no. "Kitten can you please do this for daddy? If you don't no TV tonight..." At this Kenma stopped crying, limiting himself to only hiccups and whimpers.

Once they were done with the nurse Kenma's ankle was wrapped in a bandage that the nurse provided. Kenma was now slowly falling asleep so Kuroo placed the smaller boy on his back, he walked back into the gym to grab his and Kenma's bags. Kuroo told his team that they could either leave pratice early or stay until the end, it was up to them.

We all know that Lev was super excited that he was allowed to leave early bc Yaku kicks his ass at pratice 🤭

As Kenma slept on Kuroos back, Kuroo shortly got home to their shared apartment that they had.

Once Kuroo got inside he placed the sleeping little on their bed and put away their things. He let Kenma sleep a little longer in the clothes he was in, scared that when Kuroo tried to change him he would wake up, so instead he left his playlist of songs running in the background while Kenma slept. Kuroo decided he woukd clean the apartment up a bit while he let the other boy sleep.

After about 15 minutes Kuroo came back into their room to see that Kenma was still sleeping. Kuroo then decided to change Kenma into comfy clothes as he saw that Kenma was a little uncomfortable sleeping in the clothes he had on. Kuroo then went into their shared closet and pulled out some black sweatpants and one of his hoodies to put on Kenma. He dressed Kenma in these clothes also slipping a pull-up on him since he knows how stubborn Kenma can be when little. Surprisingly Kenma didn't wake up to much and fell right back to sleep once Kuroo was done dressing him.

Kuroo then decided to change out of his uniform and into some sweatpants and a grey tank top. He grabbed his phone and got into their shared bed. He pulled Kenma close to him as ran his fingers through the little ones hair. Kuroo wondered why Kenma was still sleeping, it was rare that he took more than a 30 minute nap when little, he guessed that all his crying wore him out.

15 minutes later Kenma woke up, whimper and crying. "Awe kitten what's wrong?" Kuroo asked. "Foot hwrt" Kenma said tears forming in his eyes. Kuroo sat up allowing Kenma to somewhat crawl into his lap without irritating his ankle. Kuroo allowed Kenma to wrap his legs around his waist as he held the smaller boy on his hip going into the kitchen. He grabbed one of Kenma's favorite sippy cups and poured some apple juice in it which is one of Kenma's favorite. He crushed up an advil and put it in Kenma's juice. He shook the sippy cup a few times allowing the medicine to dissolve in as he moved them both to the couch infront of the TV. Kuroo turned the TV on to Kenma's favorite show, Bubble Guppies. He held the sippy cup to Kenma's mouth as he drank from it, staring at the TV screen the entire time, in a trance, his eyes lightning up with enjoyment as the pain medication took affect. Soon Kenma was in his normal happy little state.

"Daddy I hungy, make macky cheese pwease" Kenma asked hopping off the couch, crawling towards his play toys. "Ok kitten, daddy is going to go make you some Mac N Cheese, be good and stay right here, if you need anything just call my name" Kuroo told his baby as he walked into the kitchen to make Kenma his food.

When Kuroo came back into the living area he saw his little baby playing with his blocks as he built them as high as he could "Kitten I have your food" Kuroo said as Kenma looked up at him with excitement all over his face.

Kenma loved Mac N Cheese, it was one of his favorite things to eat while little. Kuroo handed Kenma his bowl of pasta and Kuroo sat down on the couch. "Tank Yuu" Kenma said reaching for the fork in the bowl "Your welcome kitten" Kurro said with a smile on his face

Kuroo loved Kenma when he was nice and had manners although he knows how Kenma can be and he doesn't mind not being told thank you all the time, he still knows that Kenma is grateful.

No longer than 2 minutes have passed by and Kenma has already given up on holding the fork to eat, instead he decides to eat with his hands, getting cheese all over his fingers and face. Once he was done with it he turned around to face Kuroo "all done" he said with a smile on his face. Kuroo looked down at his little and laughed "Kitten you got food all over your self" there was now Mac n Cheese on his clothes and face.

"C'mon kitten let's go change you into some clean clothes" Kuroo told Kenma picking him up bridal style and bringing him into the bathroom. "Otay!"

Kuroo placed Kenma on the closed toilet seat and started drawing him a bath. Kurro then picked up a small towel and wet it, cleaning Kenma's face and hands. Kuroo then signaled Kenma to put his arms up so he could take off his hoodie. Next he took off his sweatpants exposing his used pull-up. "Kitten why didn't you tell daddy you had to go potty" Kuroo asked with a stern voice.

Kenma just sat there embarrassed "I sowey daddy" Kenma said tears in his eyes. "Calm down kitten it's ok, just next time tell me when you need to go ok?" Kuroo asked hugging the smaller boy. "Otay daddy" Kenma respond with a smile

Kuroo then disposed of the used pull-up and placed Kenma in the bath making sure to leave his hurt ankle out of the water, he then bathed Kenma and dressed him again in another pull-up and a onesie.

Kuroo carried Kenma to their bed grabbing Kenmas pacifier and stuffed racoon named ottie. He climbed into bed with Kenma placing the pacifier in Kenma's mouth and pulling him close. "Good night my little kitten" Kuroo said placing a kiss on the littles forehead. "Night night daddy" Kenma said with a smile.

Word count: 1512

I hope you guys liked this chapter!! Please feel free to request any ship or story on my request page! Anyways byeee

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