'You Are The Only Exception' 💛Tsukiyama💚

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Today was going to be the day....the day that Yamaguchi was going to tell Tsukishima about him being a little. Tsukishima and Yamaguchi have known each other for years and they got into a relationship about 5 months ago. Yamaguchi felt as if now was the right time....

Yamaguchi had gathered all of his courage and knocked on Tsukishima's dorm room. "Come in" Tsukishima said from inside his dorm room signaling Yamaguchi to open the door. "Oh hey.." Tsukishima said Yamaguchi giving him a small smile along with a wave before being piled with extreme anxiety. "You need something?" Tsukii questioned, turning his chair back around to get back to his homework. "U-Uh yeah....there was something...something I wanted to tell you..." Yamaguchi said with a shaky voice. "Yeah what is it?" Tsukishima asked turning around again to face Yamaguchi.

Tears formed in his eyes as his anxiety got even worse. Yamaguchi was sure now was the time but he was having second thoughts. Tsukishima knew that Yamaguchi had bad anxiety so the taller of the two got out of his chair and lead the smaller one to the bed "Whatever it is Yama you can-" Tsukishima was cut off by Yamaguchi "i'malittle" Yamaguchi said, mumbling all his words into one. "What was that?" Tsukishima asked putting his hand on Yamaguchi's shoulder. Yamaguchi looked Tsukishima in the eyes as tears fell from his eyes and down his face "I- I'm a little...."

Tsukishima just sat their staring at the other which was a bad idea. "I...I understand! I understand if you don't want to be with someone as disgusting as me!..." Yamaguchi was now full on sobbing and slowly slipping. "Yama....what's up with you?" Tsukishima couldn't comprehend what his boyfriend was trying to tell him. In all honesty Tsukishima wanted to hold his boyfriend tight but was afraid of showing him affection. "Don't wowwy....you....you don't habe to day anything....I understand u wan break up..." Yamaguchi said in a babish voice now full littlespace. Tsukishima just sat there letting his boyfriend cry not understanding much.

After about 5 minutes Tsukishima got up and grabbed his phone. He opened a web browser tab as he searched up 'what is a little?' Multiple sites and pages popped up as he clicked on one. The site read out 'Age regression: occurs when you mentally retreat to an earlier age. In all ways, you believe you're back at that point in your life, and you may exhibit childish behaviors, too. Some people choose to revert to a younger age. In this case, it can be a coping mechanism to help them relax and eliminate stress.'

After a bit more research he finally understood what Yamaguchi was talking about. He grabbed the little and hugged him tight, he gently ran his fingers through Yamaguchi's hair as a way to try and calm him "Bud, you don't have to worry ok? I'm not going to break up with you...ok?" Tsukii asked making sure the little understood that he accepted him for being him.

The littles crying had stopped after a short amount of time, Yamaguchi now curled up on Tsukishima's lap both of them resting in Tsukishima's bed. "Hey little dude, what do you like to do for fun?" Tsukii asked peeking interest from Yamaguchi. "Uhhh, I wike to watch movies! And I uhhh wike to pway with my stuffies! Can we go to my woom? I can show ou my wittle stuffs!" Yamaguchi said happy to let Tsukishima learn more about him. The two made their way down the hall quickly getting into the elevator and going up two floors, once they got to the 4th floor the two boys made their way down the hall again except this time ending up at Yamaguchi's room. Tsukishima helped the little open the door as they both walked into the warm room. It was filled with random stuff but it somehow all fit together perfectly.

Yamaguchi grabbed Tsukishima's wrist bringing him over to the closet where he kept all of his little items. Yamaguchi pulled out a medium sized plastic box (its like the boxes you use to store things in), in the box was an array of pacifiers, blankets, diapers (for when he was really smol), pull-ups (incase he had an accident that day) stuffies, bottles, and sippy cups. His many onesies were also in the closet hung all the way to the back. Yamaguchi grabbed a pacifier and handed it to Tsukishima "Dada that my favorite one, keep care ob it" Tsukishima just looked at the little "Dada?" Tsukishima asked still new to regression. Yamaguchi once again got teary-eyed as he got confused "Ou no wan be my dada?....?". Tsukishima was quick to respond to this grabbing the littles hand "No bud.....thats not what I meant...this is all just so new to me..." Tsukishima told him as he gave the little a smile, he brushed his thumb under the littles eyes as he got ride of his tears forming "I will gladly be your dada ok? I love you so much my baby dino" Tsukishima said as he took the little into his arms and picked him up placing him on his hip. "What do you want to do bud? Its only 2 pm, we can do whatever you feel like doing" Tsukishima said Yamaguchi shrugging his shoulders. "Hmmm how about this, we get you dressed in appropriate clothing then we go to my room grab my keys and go somewhere?" Tsukishima asked Yamaguchi gladly agreeing "Car ride!" 

Tsukishima got Yamaguchi dressed in black sweatpants and a dino shirt. Tsukishima went over to the closet and grabbed one of the pull-ups since he wasn't sure how Yamaguchi was when little "Hey baby, can you wear this for daddy today? I just want to make sure no accidents happen ok?" Tsukishima asked Yamaguchi "Otay dada!" Yamaguchi replied giving him a big smile and he slipped into the pull-up. After Yamaguchi was ready to go they both headed up to Tsukishima's room hand in hand to go and get the car keys and Tsukishimagrabbed 2 sweatshirts one being the one Yamaguchi loves, once they had acquired the keys they went down to student parking and took off. It was about a 45 minute drive to the mall that had a lot of stores in them so Yamaguchi had fallen asleep in the car 15 minutes in. 

Once they reached the mall parking lot Tsukishima gently woke his little up telling him where they had arrived, Yamaguchi happily woke up and got out of the car slightly running into the building, Tsukishima not to far behind him.

Once inside Tsukishima lead Yamaguchi to an ABDL store (yes ik its different from littlespace they are only going there to get their size stuff) Yamaguchi's eyes widened when he was presented with all the different pacifiers, onesies, and stuffies. "You can pick whatever you want, I'll buy it for you since I'm your dada now" Tsukishima said allowing Yamaguchi to pick whatever his little heart desired. 

After about 30 minutes of looking around the store and deciding what he wanted the two boys walked up to the cash register with a couple of pacifiers one being green which was Yamaguchi's favorite color and one was red with a dinosaur on it, next was the new sunflower sippy cup, and then the trio of dino plushies (i got something like this except it was 3 sharks instead of dinos). When they walked up the the counter with these things they were kindly greeted by a blonde haired employee with a soothing sweet voice, resembling the figure of a mother "Did you two boys find everything alright?" she asked "Yes we did, thanks for asking" Tsukishima responded as she started to scan the items, Tsukishima didn't care how much he was spending as long as his baby was happy. "And do one of you have a rewards account with us?" She asked "No I don't this is my first time here but maybe he does" Tsukishima responded looking at Yamaguchi "Is it a phone number or email?" The nice lady asked the little. Yamaguchi started to get anxious as sometimes strangers scared him "Hey bud you ok? Do you have one here?" Tsukishima asked, grabbing Yamaguchi's hand trying to comfort him. Yamaguchi nodded his head as he told Tsukishima "number" planting his face in the taller ones chest. "Aw he's adorable" The lady said Tsukishima laughing a bit giving the lady Yamaguchi's phone number and paying for the items. "Thank you come again!" The lady said swooping under the counter before pulling out a lollypop to give little Yamaguchi "Here you go little man" She said as she quickly handed it to Yamaguchi, he smiled back at her "Thank ou!" waving goodbye as she waved back. 

Word Count: 1474

This will be getting a part 2! I got into this to much that it only took me 30 minutes to write this....anyways I hope you injoyed! Part 2 will be on the way shortly!

I shouldn't be writing this much when I literally have piles of work due to AP Psychology....it's stressing me outttt but writing is so much better...🥺 (sorry for the smol rant)

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