Gaming Problems ❤Kuroken🖤

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This hurts me because the problem in the story is what happened to me recently...

⚠️Possible TW: Name calling⚠️

Kenma and Kuroo parted ways as Kuroo had some studying to catch up with and Kenma had a stream to do.

Kenma walked into his apartment that he lived in, it wasn't that big because he only had to house himself and occasionally Kuroo as well. Kenma had a pretty nice gaming set up that he used to play a variety of video games on. His normal twitch streaming times were mainly Wednesdays and Fridays since thats when he rarely had anything to do.

The game that Kenma would play today would be Rainbow Six Siege. He plays with Bokuto, Hinata, Lev, and Kageyama. They all hopped on a discord call and Kenma loaded up his game. Once everything was in place he started his stream. Everything was going smoothly, many people were hyping Kenma and his team mates up, sadly Kageyama couldn't play with them today so instead they decided to 4 stack and get a random team mate.

The game started and both ban phases came through, each team picked who and what map they wanted to ban. While this was going on they were trying to get their random team mate to join the discord call. The first round started and each of them picked their operator, their random had yet to join so they went 2 rounds without them. The score was 2-0 with them being in the lead. Kenma was top of the leaderboard so he felt confident that they could win the game. Come near the end of round 3 Kenma was the only one left alive, all he had to do was wait for the enemy player to defuse the bomb. Bokuto, Hinata, and Lev were constantly checking camera's so when they saw the enemy go to diffuse Kenma could kill him. With only about 10 seconds left till they won the enemy went to diffuse the bomb.

 "Kenma go now" Bokuto said, red pinging where the guy was diffusing. Lev had made a hole that Kenma could shoot and jump through in the beginning of the round, he also had one he could crawl though. He got up to the one he could jump through and his A button was not showing up on the screen when he tried to jump in so he had to try and shoot the guy but failed. Then he went to the hole he could crawl through and got through there. Just as Kenma got to the enemy time ran out and they had diffused the bomb. Kenma wasn't that upset over the mistake and neither were his teammates. Suddenly the random team member came into the discord and started yelling at Kenma "how could you loose that, that was so simple!" the random shouted through his mic. "I had no other way in, my A button wasn't showing up" Kenma said with a shaky voice. Kenma never did well with people yelling at him, it almost always lead to him being upset, but this time it was different. "That was the most retarded thing I've ever seen, how dumb are you?" the random said. "Hey calm down buddy, it was a simple accident. I mean what happened was his fault but you can't change it now" Lev said with a slight laugh. Kenma didn't know if Lev was agreeing with the guy or not. "Lev shut it! What makes you think you have the right to talk to my friend like that? Huh?" Bokuto said standing up for Kenma. At this point Kenma was in tears over what the guy screamed at him. "How about you let the retard uh whats the name....Kozuden explain himself." the random asked over the mic. At this point Kenma had muted his mic, he was full on sobbing. Bokuto who had just kicked the random from the call and saw that Kenma left the game decided to open Kenma's stream. There he saw Kenma crying, his hands were over his face as his breathing was unsteady. 

Bokuto texted Kuroo and explained to him what happened.

~Start of texts~

Bokuto: Hey Kuroo can
you go check on Kenma,
I'm not sure he's ok....     
                   Kuroo: What happened?

Bokuto: Me, Lev, Hinata
and him were playing Siege
and a random yelled at him
and called him names...

                   Kuroo: Was he

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