Sunday Fun Day ❤Kuroken🖤

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Kuroken is my comfort ship 😌

Normally on a Sunday morning the two boys would sleep in, yeah that wasn't happening today....

Kenma woke up around 8 am, in little space, and wanting attention. Kuroo usually didn't wake up until 9:30 on Sunday's since he wakes up early other days. "Daddyyyyy wake uppppp" Kenma shook Kuroo in his sleep. "Daddyyyyyyy!!" Kuroo stirred awake. "Hmmmm...yes puddin?". "Potty pwease" Kenma asked a little blush on his cheeks as he is always embarrassed to ask. "O-oh ok....c'mon" Kuroo said a bit surprised picking Kenma up off the bed and carrying him to the bathroom. "Puddin, how old are you?" Kuroo asked. Kenma held up 4 fingers "figures"

After Kenma and Kuroo were done in the bathroom Kuroo went into the kitchen to get Kenma some juice and put it in his sippy cup. "Kitten you can go play with your toys or watch TV while daddy makes breakfast just be good" Kuroo told Kenma as he turned the TV on. "Otay!" Kenma said putting the spout of the sippy cup to his mouth as he walked over to the TV.

While Kuroo cooked them breakfast Kenma could be heard replying back to the television show. Kuroo laughed every time Kenma back talked the TV show for not saying the answer he had said.

After 30 minutes Kenma's show was over and breakfast was done "Puddin" Kuroo said waiting for Kenma to respond or for Kenma to come waddling up. "Puddin?" Kuroo asked again walking into the living room seeing Kenma lying on his back on the couch, watching a new TV show, chewing on the spout of his now empty sippy cup. Kuroo awed in his head as he took out his phone to take a picture of his puddin. "Puddin~" Kuroo cooed ask Kenma looked up at him "Breakfast is done" Kuroo said as Kenma's face lit up with excitement "yayyyyy" Kenma said as he quickly got up and 'ran' to the table where the food was. On Kenma's plate was his favorite pancakes with strawberries and raspberries along with some vanilla yogurt and chocolate milk in a normal cup since all of his sippy cups were dirty and needed to be cleaned.

The two ate with some conversation on what they were going to do. Since it was summer time Kuroo suggested that the couple go to the local pool, Kenma loved that idea and wanted to go swimming, swimming was something that he enjoyed as a little during the summer time.

Kenma didn't make to much of a mess after eating, so it didn't take him long to clean the table up, then it was off to get Kenma ready and dressed in his swim suit.

"Now puddin, I'm going to trust you today. If you need to go potty at all you tell me ok?". Kenma nodded his head in agreement, Kuroo handed him his switch while Kuroo got ready. Since Kenma is a bit older right now he allows Kenma to play on his switch.

Once Kuroo got dressed him and Kenma packed up their things and headed for the pool, since they lived pretty close Kuroo thought they would walk to the pool. Kuroo and Kenma walked hand in hand to the pool, the little one chasing after a butterfly for most of the time, getting sad after it flew away. 

Once heading into the pool area Kuroo put sun screen on Kenma and then on himself. Kuroo and Kenma then ran into Bokuto, Akashi, Lev, and Yaku.

"Hey guys" Kuroo said, Kenma following right behind him. "Bo bo!" Kenma said running towards Bokuto, hugging him when he gets to him. "Hey Ken Ken" Bokuto said.

(Bokuto is one of Kenma's favorite people beside Hinata and Kuroo, Bokuto also loves Kenma when Kenma is little)

Bokuto talked with Kenma while Akashi, Kuroo, Lev, and Yaku all got into the pool. Soon Kenma and Bokuto joined. Kenma clung to Kuroo most of the time since he didn't know how to swim in little space. "Bud do you not know how to swim?" Yaku asked Kenma shaking his head in reply. "Kuroo you never taught him how to swim?" Lev asked. "Do you know how hard it is to teach him anything in headspace?" Kuroo said, Kenma giving him a stare. Soon Kenma let it off and continued to play with Bokuto.

"Hey Ken Ken, do you want to learn how to swim?" Bokuto asked "mhmmm" Kenma replied, joy lightning up his face.

Once Bokuto taught Kenma the basics, Kenma tried to swim, failing a bit. Soon he got the hang of it and swam towards Kuroo surprising him at first. "Puddin! How did you get over here?" Kuroo asked pulling Kenma onto his hip. "Bobo teach me how swim" Kenma said with a smile.

The group chilled out and talked for a while, Kenma soon falling asleep on Kuroo. "Aww he looks so cute when he's asleep" Akashi said making Kuroo look at his baby not even realizing he was asleep since Kenma had been quiet for a while. "It's probably all that swimming he did" Bokuto chimed in. Kuroo pushed the hair out of Kenma's face and tucked it behind his ear giving him a kiss on the cheek. Kenma started sucking on his thumb as he has always had a problem with letting that habit go. Kenma just slept on Kuroo while Kuroo held him on his hip, it was easy for Kuroo to do this since Kenma was really light in the water.

The group talked for another 30 minutes before Kenma woke up. Since Kuroo knew that Kenma didn't like asking to go to the bathroom in general he definitely knew that he would not ask in public, so instead Kuroo taught Kenma what bathroom ment in sign language. He told Kenma to do this every time he needed to go, this is what Kenma was doing right now. Kenma was holding his pointer finger to his chin signaling that he needed to go to the bathroom and Kuroo noticed this. "Hey guys me and Kenma will be right back" Kuroo told the group as the couple got out of the pool and headed towards the bathroom.

"Puddin, I'm so proud of you. You have been such a good boy, telling daddy when you need to go potty" Kuroo said as they were in the bathroom. "Y'know what, I think puddin deserves a special treat when he gets home". Once Kuroo said this Kenma's face lit up with joy "Really?!" Kenma said with a big smile on his face. "Mhm" Kuroo responded. "Yayyyyy" Kenma exclaimed running into his daddy's arms giving him a big hug.  Kenma loves praise from anyone when he's little so whenever he's good and gets praised he gets super excited.

After they walked out the bathroom Kenma jumped into the pool and swam like Bokuto taught him. He swam all the way to Bokuto and clung onto his chest once he reached him. "Bobo! Guess what!" Kenma asked the white and black haired boy "what?" Bokuto asked with a curious look on his face. "Daddy told me that since I've been good I get a special treat tonight!" Kenma told Bokuto with a big smile. "Oooo someone's been a good boy, eh?" Bokuto asked tickling Kenma a bit. Kenma laughed as he was being tickled nodding his head in agreement.

After another hour or so the gang decided that they would head home for the day. Kenma went around to each person and gave them a big hug before they all left. Kenma didn't want to leave Bokuto so some 'tears' were shed but Kenma wanted his surprise aswell. The couple walked back home hand in hand, Kuroo carried all of their things home while Kenma babbled on about the things that him and Bokuto did at the pool the entire time they were there.

Once the two got home Kuroo placed their bags down and picked Kenma up and placed him on his hip. Kuroo stared straight into Kenma's eyes making Kenma slip out of littlespace and blush a bit. "Why do you do this to me?" Kenma asked cupping Kuroo's face with his hands. Kenma just smiled as he knew Kenma slipped out, Kenma then gently placed a kiss on Kuroo's lips. Kuroo kissed back smiling in the process "you want to know what your surprise is?" Kuroo asked, Kenma remembering and quickly slipping back into littlespace. "Mhm" Kenma responded nodding his head vigorously. "You can stay up however late you want to. We can watch movies, cuddle, you can play your games if you want to, it's up to you puddin" Kuroo said pushing a piece of hair out of Kenma's face. "Can we cuddle while playing games?" Kenma asked with puppy dogs eyes. "Sure puddin anything you want since you were a good boy today" Kuroo said "But first we have to take a bath and get into comfy clothes" "Otay!"

The two boys undressed and took a shower, they then got dressed into comfortable clothes and settled down and played games for the rest of the night until Kenma fell asleep around 2 am. "Good night puddin" Kuroo responded placing one of Kenma's pacifiers in his mouth as Kuroo went to bed aswell.

Word Count: 1544

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter ❤. This was supposed to be posted 4 hours ago but I had stuff to do and if I did post it it would have been unedited

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