Night Time Troubles 🖤Daisuga🤍

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Requested by Baki-Baki-Bitch

"Sugarcube?" Suga called our for Daichi who was supposed to be sitting in his play pen. Daichi wasn't allowed to roam around the house because he would go and look for his volleyball and start hitting things with it. "Daichi?" Suga questioned as he walked out the kitchen towards the play pen to see that Daichi was missing.

Suga then went all mom mode, he started to call out Daichi's name until he found him in the closet with all their volleyball equipment, seeing Daichi trying to reach the volleyball but failing since he had no support to stand up. "Sugarcube, what are you doing?" Suga asked, Daichi turned around looking at Suga and then looking back up at the volleyball "voweball" Daichi said pointing to the ball. "No, you can't play right now, dinner's ready" Suga told the little picking him up and carrying him into the kitchen. Suga placed Daichi in his chair and sat next to him. Suga gave Daichi his plate of food letting him to try and figure out how to hold his fork. Sooner or later Daichi got the basics down and started eating on his own with only a little bit of help from Suga.

After the two finished eating Suga brought the two into the bathroom to clean up. "Sugarcube do you want daddy to brush your teeth or do you want to try?" Suga asked "I try!" Daichi exclaimed doing grabby hands for his toothbrush. Suga laughed and put the kids toothpaste on it. (Yk the toothpaste that's safe to ingest, you use if for like 3 year olds since they want to swallow/eat anything and everything) As the two brushed their teeth Suga got a movie ready for the two to watch. Suga then came back into the bathroom and helped Daichi finish brushing his teeth properly. "No dada I do by myself" Daichi fought with Suga trying to take back his toothbrush from Suga. "No baby let me help you, your not doing it properly" Suga said trying to get Daichi to open his mouth and corporate with him. Daichi refused to open his mouth and was on the verge of throwing a temper tantrum. "C'mon bud open your mouth" Suga said but Daichi still refused. "I'll let you pick the movie if you corporate with me" Daichi then corporated. Daichi liked to pick the movie because he felt special when he did.

After Suga and Daichi were done in the bathroom Suga dressed Daichi in a black and white onsie and gave him a pacifier with the word sugar on it. Daichi picked the movie Finding Nemo so they watched that movie. While Dachi watched the movie Suga caught up on some homework that needed to be done, he also listened to Daichi go on and on about how the shark in Finding Nemo was a bully and how if he was Nemo he would beat him up. These comments made Suga laugh "Sugarcube we don't hurt people do we?" Suga asked. He thought the comments were funny but he had to make sure his little sugarcube knew that violence was not the answer to problems. Daichi just looked up at Suga with tears in his eyes, he thought that he upset Suga by what he said "Yes daddy, viowence is no answer" Daichi responded a tear rolling down his face as he slowly broke down. "Awe hun, I didn't mean to upset you" Suga said pulling his baby into his lap and comforting him. Soon the tears stopped and Daichi went back to watching his movie.

Once the movie was over Daichi was still awake and he wanted to play. "I want play!" Daichi exclaimed, trying to climb out of bed but instead falling on the floor. Suga ran to the boys attention picking him up and placing him back on the bed, but Daichi wasn't happy about this. "Me want play!" He exclaimed again this time throwing a fit. "Hun we can't play right now it's already and hour and a half past your bed time." Suga told him, Daichi still didn't take this for an answer. "Nooo, I wan play" Daichi said kicking his legs around. "I said no! You can't play right now you need to go to sleep" Suga said raising his voice getting upset with his little. Daichi still didn't care and got off the bed again. Suga just let him go and do whatever "Your not going to get any cuddles tonight" Suga said as a threat towards Daichi. Daichi loved cuddles from Suga, so when they were threatened to be taken away Daichi freaked out. "No I wan uddles, I sowey dada" the little said tears falling down his face. Suga walked over to pick up the boy up and place him on his hip. "Ok I won't but you have to apologize for yelling at dada" Suga said wiping the tears off his baby's face. "I-I so..sowey dada" the little said in-between his fit of sobs. Suga continued to wipe the tears off of his face. He let the little cry into his shoulder and he rubbed soothing circles on his back he handed him his stuffed panda so he could hold onto that while he cried, most of the time it helped calm him down faster.

Suga decided that warm milk would help the little fall asleep and stay asleep so whilst the little continued to cry Suga made him a bottle of milk. Soon the littles cries died down to whimpers and hiccups. Suga put a little bit of sugar, cinnamon, and honey into the milk and shook it up. Suga carried the little back into the bedroom placing him down on the bed, allowing Daichi to rest his head in Suga's lap. Suga placed the bottle to Daichi's lips, Daichi soon started drinking from his bottle, a little bit of milk escaping his mouth every once in a while. Suga rubbed his littles forehead as Daichi's eyes started to fall shut. Daichi tried to fight falling asleep but he soon couldn't stay awake.

Once Daichi was asleep Suga tucked him into bed and slipped his pacifier into his mouth. Suga then went into the kitchen to clean the now empty bottle that he had just used. Once Suga came back he gave his sugarcube a kiss on the forehead "Goodnight my little sugarcube..." and with that Suga cuddled up to Daichi as he fell asleep aswell.

Word Count: 1098

I hope you enjoy this chapter ❤. I hope I did a good job and this is what you were looking for. I acidentally published this like 3 times trying to save my work so that waa fun.

Haikyuu AgereTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon