Stressed 💙Iwaoi🤍

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Oikawa gently nudged the slightly taller male sitting next to him on the school benches

"Hm?" Iwaizumi responded like he had just not been staring into space for a solid five minutes

"Iwa-chan are you sure your ok? You haven't touched your food and your staring into space..." Oikawa stated as he sat closer on the small blue bench as the school bell rung for lunch to end and classes to resume.

"Iwa....I'm serious if there is something wrong we can go home...I'll tell the nurse that your not feeling well and we can chill at my place..." Oikawa said with the best convincing voice he could create

"Shittykawa, why do you always have to be worried about me..."

Oikawa sat there and thought to himself for a minute as he was just insulted after being given the silent treatment

"Iwaaaaa your so mean to me" Oikawa responded with a little huff

Iwaizumi would never confess to feeling even the slightest or largest bit off....not if he'd have to admit to the fact after pushing it away for so long. Iwaizumi just gave Oikawa a straight face and kept walking to class

"Fine.....I'm just looking out for your health" Oikawa said rolling his eyes.

The two split off going their separate ways. Iwaizumi picked up his pace as the thought of Oikawa finding out how he felt just made things worse. Of course he knows Oikawa just wants to help and that he doesn't care whether or not Iwaizumi is big or small but putting that "burden" on him didn't sit right with the brunette.

As class drug on the worse his feelings felt. Not only did the school day seem to last so long he had multiple tests in one day and still had to attend practice.

Once the final bell rung Iwaizumi carried himself to his high schools gym to get changed for volleyball practice. Once he entered the locker room he was greeted by many of his teammates and of course Oikawa.

While Iwaizumi was getting changed Oikawa noticed a few things off with the boy. Often he would sit and stare into space or even fiddle with the hem of his clothes while he was thinking about something. Although this wasn't uncommon for the boy it continued throughout practice. The longer practice continued the worse some of these fidgets got, Iwaizumi had a bad habit of picking at his lips and peeling broken skin off his fingers.

Since the two played volleyball often their hands were pretty rough and peeled often which was a problem for Iwaizumi.

Soon after pratice was over Oikawa quickly made his way over to Iwaizumi to talk with him

"Hey Iwa.....want to come over to my house to study?" Oikawa asked the other male as a way to convince the boy to come over

"You study?" Iwaizumi said with playfulness in his voice despite the fact at how bad he felt on the inside

"Yeah you know finals are coming up soon and I just want to be ontop of things" Oikawa said with a laugh as he scratched the back of his neck hoping Iwaizumi would take the bait

"Fine....I'll study with you...." Iwaizumi said pushing his feelings even deeper which he would regret in the long run

With that the two boys packed up their belongings and started the walking trip to Oikawa's house

"Hey Iwa?"


Oikawa thought about saying something to the boy about how he was acting but decided not to


Iwaizumi kept walking forward as he began to feel smaller and smaller. At one point on their walk Iwaizumi found a smooth rock that he picked up and carried with him until they reached Oikawa's house in which Oikawa noticed the rock the other was holding

"Iwa you going to put that down?"

No response except Iwaizumi cold staring at the rock


Oikawa walked over to the older as he tried to get a better look at him

Instantly tears poured from Iwaizumi's eyes as he broke down in loud sobs

Oikawa sat there with shock on his face. Of course he knew Iwaizumi felt bad but didn't know it was this serious. Normally Iwaizumi was a happy little and did what he normally does but this moment was different than the others. Oikawa knew it was bad when first the little broke into painful sobs and second latched onto something that he found and didn't want to let go.

After the shock wore off (a few seconds) Oikawa embraced Iwaizumi in a huge hug and rubbed circles onto his back in an effort to calm the little down.

After a few minutes of standing outside his front door he moved them both into the house to continue what they were doing. Until Iwaizumi calmed down Oikawa was willing to stand there for however long until his baby felt better

After about 10 minutes the little disengaged from the hug and looked at Oikawa. His eyes were red, his nose was puffy, and his lips were starting to bleed.

"Oh bubs let's get you into some better clothes ok? And then we can get you your blankie and stuffie"

Iwaizumi just nodded his head as he continued to hold onto the smooth rock he found earlier which he rubbed with his thumb to keep himself calm

As Oikawa got his clothes ready and set out he noticed that Iwaizumi kept biting at his lips and they were bleeding ever so slightly more and more. Once he got the little changed and into bed with his blanket and stuffies he went to his closet to grab one of Iwaizumi's pacifiers which he only used when he couldn't stop biting at his lips.

Soon Oikawa joined him in bed and soothingly ran his fingers through Iwaizumi soft, brown hair.

"You feel better?" Oikawa asked as he noticed Iwaizumi's eyes starting to droop

"Mhm" was all he got as a response before all he could hear were soft snores from the little

Oikawa chuckled a bit as the little snuggled closer to him "good night my sweet angel" he said as he leaned down to place a kiss on the others forehead.

Word Count: 1501


I'm back! I got really really bored and actually felt like writing for once in forever. This chapter literally took me 6 months to produce but that's ok......I hope you guys injoyed this and I hope to be posting a little more than recently!

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