Scary Movies 🖤MakiMatIwaOi💙

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Requested by Tendou_satori15

"Are you sure you want to come over to my place?" The almost pink haired boy asked, slightly unsure about the groups decision to hang at his apartment. 

"C'mon man your the only one out of us all who don't live with our parents anymore" Mattsun replied slinging his arm over Makki's shoulders.

Iwaizumi grabbed Mattsun's arm off the boy as he pated Makki's back "Don't pressure him into it, if he doesn't want it to be over at his place then we can do it at mine, I'm pretty sure my grandparent's won't mind you guys hanging over for the night." Iwaizumi went on to say.

"Come again Iwa-Chan why you live with your parent's again?" Oikawa asked a smile creeping up on his face as he knew this annoyed the living crap out of Iwaizumi

"What was that shittykawa?" Iwaizumi asked giving Oikawa a death glare

"Ah Ah, sorry Iwa-Chan, you know I just love to hear about your dear ol' dad" Oikawa said with a laugh as Iwaizumi came up behind him and knock the living crap out of him.

Makki and Mattsun laughed as they watched the two boys fight like an old couple. Their bickering went on all the way until they got to their meeting point.

Iwaizumi and Makki would continue to go straight while Oikawa went right and Mattsun went left.

"See you guys later!" Iwaizumi shouted as he and Makki walked home together since they lived near by. "You know you don't have to let them stay over right? My place is only a few minutes away from yours so it wouldn't be that big of a deal" Iwaizumi told Makki as they passed over train tracks. 

"Yeah I know, I think it's going to be ok though, I'll just have to clean the place up a bit before tonight" Makki responded having his usual bored look on his face.

"If you say so" Iwaizumi said shrugging his shoulders as the two reached the bottom of the apartment complex where Makki lived. "See ya later!" Iwaizumi said as he walked off in the direction of his house.

Makki gave a thumbs up as he made his way up the stairs leading to his apartment floor. Once he unlocked the door to the small place he was quick to pick up and uncleaned dishes, dirty clothes, and any little gear he might have lying around.

There was no way in hell we would allow his 3 best friends to see him in or find out about his vulnerable state of happiness. 

Soon once the place was cleaned up the doorbell rang. When Makki went to open it there stand Mattsun, Oikawa, and Iwaizumi. "Come in guys and make sure to lock the door" Makki said as he walked into the small living area. 

The four boys settled around the TV where a PlayStation lay, looking like it hadn't been touched for a few months. 

"I say we watch a horror movie" Mattsun spoke up with excitement in his voice. He looked at the 3 other boys as Oikawa and Iwaizumi shook their head in agreement. "What about you Makki? Are you to much of a pussy to watch a horror film?" Mattsun asked laughing a bit as he joked with his pink haired friend

"N-No! I can watch a scary movie!" Makki exclaimed as he slumped back down into the sofa where he was sitting.

"Ok! Horror movie it is!" Mattsun said with a look of joy in his eyes.

It wasn't the fact that Makki couldn't take horror movies it was the fact that at any point he could slip and it being a Friday made it even worse.

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