Field Trip 🖤Kuroken❤

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Kenma usually regressed between the ages of 3-6 but not today. It seemed to Kuroo as if his little boy had slipped ever further than normal, probably around the age of 1 which was new to him. He and Kenma have had a little relationship for about a year now and Kuroo had never noticed Kenma slip so far.

Kenma sat on the couch babbling on to his daddy, Kuroo pretend to understand what the little was saying giving nods every once in a while. After about 30 minutes of this Kenma had fallen asleep on the couch. Kuroo left Kenma to sleep on the couch while he did some work around the house. Normally, Kuroo would be able to keep Kenma unsupervised but as young as he was that wasn't the best idea.

When the little woke up from his nap he looked around wondering where his daddy went. Instead of crying the little got off the couch and started to crawl and hobble around the house. This wasn't a smart idea since Kenma was just learning to walk in this new headspace. Kenma fell down and hit head on the tile floor pretty hard. Thump. Was all that was heard from the room where Kuroo currently was, this thump was followed by screaming and crying. Kuroo ran out of the room to see his baby with blood on the floor dripping from his head. "Shit-" Kuroo thought as he looked down at the littles busted head. Kenma just continued to kick and cry as his hands got blood all over them. His head injury wasn't to bad but enough for Kuroo to pick the little up, get a towel, some things in a bag, and head to the car. There he strapped the little into the passenger seat as he took off for the hospital. "Baby I need you to hold that towel to your head for as long as you can ok?" Kuroo told Kenma, Kenma just agreeing to do so as he was in his normal headspace now since the fall scared him. Kuroo sped down the streets as he reached the nearest hospital. "Daddy the towel" Kenma said Kuroo looking over to see the small towel almost covered in blood now. "It's fine baby we are almost there just keep it there till they tell you to take it away" Kuroo responded back finding a place to park since he couldn't trust the little to walk into the ER all alone.

Once inside the building 2 nurses came to their sides as they asked a list of questions "Sir what happened?" One asked the little Kenma being overcome with anxiety which made things worse. "Honey, it's ok" Kuroo told the little trying not to let the public know that his baby was a little. "He hit his head on the floor and I think he busted his head" Kuroo told the nurse's. Quickly one of them left to go grab some gauze and wrap Kenma's head up for now. As she did this Kenma whined and Kuroo held his hand comforting him the best he could. "Right now our biggest concern is getting the bleeding under control so we are going to bring you two into a room while we wait for a professional to come and see you two" the second nurse who was wrapping Kenma's head said as the other one lead them away. Kuroo had to force his baby to continue to walk as once they got into the room Kenma could go full toddler mode, but right now they were still in public.

Kuroo didn't mind letting the world know about his baby but he knew that if he allowed people to see little Kenma, big Kenma would be upset with him later on.

Once the two got into the room the nurse hooked Kenma up to an IV and gave him some pain medication as well. Before the nurse left she handed Kuroo a clipboard full of medical documents for him to fill out and with that done she left the two alone. Kuroo had a bad feeling that they would be there the entire night and into late morning. I mean it was the ER and depending on your situation it was first worst first serve. As Kuroo filled out the paperwork they had a section of 'extra information about the patient, ex: afraid of needles, ect.' Kuroo thought this was the perfect place to put that Kenma was an age regressor...I mean wouldn't they know about this? They took psychology in college right?

After about 30 minutes the nurse came back into the room to grab the clip board and to hydrate Kenma through the IV they put in him. "Daddyyyyy" Kenma whined out as the nurse started to fix the IV to hydrate the little. "Baby I know, just be brave and deal with it ok? After this we can go and get a treat if your a good boy" Kuroo responded getting a weird look from the nurse. "He's an age regressor, he's mentally about 4" Kuroo said bluntly as she understood. Once she was done she disappeared again with the paperwork but quickly showed back up with a lollipop for the little. "Here you go little man, I know this must be scary but trust us, we will help you get better so you can go back home and rest, ok?" The lady said in a soft voice as she tried to reassure the kid as much as she could. "Thank ou" Kenma spoke out with a smile unwrapping the lollipop. She smiled back "your welcome!" and she was gone again. "Daddy! Daddy! She gabe me a loll'pop!" Kenma said out in excitement. Kuroo laughed "Yeah baby she did" Kuroo said getting up out of his chair and going over to the hospital bed that Kenma was lying in. Kenma moved over to allow enough room for Kuroo as they cuddled together for about an hour and a half until the doctor came in to look at Kenma's head. "Well what do we have here?" The doctor asked with a joking tone as Kuroo sat up to get out of the bed. "Don't be afraid boy, there's nothing to get up for" the older man said "I know it doesn't seem like my generation supports you boys but I don't want you thinking that's its wrong" (we love acceptance) the man said "you two look like a good couple...better than most straight ones" the doctor said with a chuckle as Kuroo laughed silently. "Now son, what happened here?" The doctor said picking up Kenma's hair, unwrapping the bandage looking at the cut. "Yep that looks bad alright" Kenma whined as he didn't like what the doctor was saying "luckily we can fix it with a few stitches" Kenma liked what he heard now. The doctor called in a few assistants who brought in a suturing kit. "Son can you come over here and help him stay calm?" The doctor asked Kuroo, Kuroo coming to Kenma's side again.

⚠️If you don't like needles please don't read this part, there will be another part of this without the needles after⚠️

The nurse's came around to Kenma as they gently stuck the needle through his skin, the little whined out in pain as tears rolled down his face. "I know it hurts bubs....please just be a big boy for daddy" Kuroo said as he tried to comfort the boy as much as he could. The doctor then took over, finishing off the stitches. Every time the needle went through Kenma's skin he flinched and more tears rolled down his face. "Ok it's over, thanks for the help son" the doctor said as he took his latex gloves off, throwing them away in the medical bin.

⚠️End of the needles⚠️

❤Here's the part without the needles❤

The nurse came around to Kenma's side as she started with the stitches. Once she was done he let the doctor finish them off. In the end only a few tears were actually shed, the doctor took off his latex gloves throwing them away in the medical bin

"See baby that wasn't to hard was it?" Kuroo said as he wiped the tears off of the littles face. "Mhm" Kenma responded before the doctor spoke up again "You were really brave little dude. Let me tell you something...some adults can't even take what you just went through I'm proud of you" he finished up giving the little a high five. "Alrighty then that's it, the nurse will finish up the paper work and she will come back to wrap those stitches up and you two can get home" the doctor said exiting the room.

Kuroo looked over to his baby to see him falling asleep with his thumb in his mouth. "Hey bub don't put your fingers in your mouth, the hospital is not safe" Kuroo said as he replaced it with one of Kenma's pacifiers. The nurse came back with final paperwork and then the two were on their way home for the night even though the sun was coming up slowly. Luckily they gave Kenma some pain medication for the next few days so it would help him sleep until the afternoon came.

Word Count: 1553

I hope you guys liked this chapter as I literally got this idea from a psychology chapter in my text book about how kids who are learning to walk can easily hurt themselves as I thought this would be perfect since I couldn't think of an idea for any of my requests. I'm still working on requests tho!

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