Fever 💙BokuAka💛

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Bokuto woke up with sweat forming on his forehead. His head hurt and his throat was sore. Akaashi walked into the boys room after listening to his alarm go off for 15 minutes straight.

"Bokuto-san it's time to get up, your going to be lat-" Akaashi stated before actually looking at the boy in his bed, sweat rolling down his forehead as he wrapped himself in blankets in the middle of September.

Bokuto had his palms covering his ears as the alarm seemed like it was blaring.

"Akaashiiii turn it offff" Bokuto cried out with a whine as he was to tired to get up and do it himself, his headspace slowly creeping in on him.

Akaashi walked over to Bokuto placing the back of his hand on the boys forehead.

"Bokuto, your burning up baby" Akaashi said noticing the little details in Bokuto's behavior

"Mfph....mmmmmmm I no feel good" Bokuto whined as he shifted under the covers.

Akaashi was forced to rip the blanket from off the boy who was under it as he received a very high pitched whine from Bokuto.

"'ashiiiiiiii cold!" Bokuto exclaimed as he reached for the blanket.

"Ah Ah Bokuto, you have to keep yourself cool...you have a fever and keeping yourself under the covers will only make it worse hun" Akaashi told Bokuto

Bokuto's headache was somewhat relieved as he quickly slipped into his headspace. Bokuto was one to slip under pressure and when he didn't feel well.....it gave him more of an excuse to whine and be needy.

Bokuto made grabby hands towards Akaashi as Akaashi picked the shivering boy up.

"Let's go give you a nice warm bath, that sound good?" Akaashi asked the little getting a nod from him

"Ca' we has bubbles?" Bokuto asked with pleading eyes

"Sure hun" Akaashi responded placing the boy down on the floor of the bathroom.

Bokuto sat on the floor while Akaashi ran the boy a bath adding in a few drops of bubble soap in the very beginning so there would be plenty of bubbles for the boy to relax in.

While the bath was being drawn Bokuto began to cough a bit, not very much but Akaashi knew this sickness was going to be one for the books. It was rare that Bokuto ever got sick but when he did most of the time it wasn't to serious but when Bokuto would get really sick Akaashi knew he was in for a wild ride.

Akaashi sat the boy on the edge of the tub and peeled the damp clothes off of the boy.

"You sweat a lot huh bubs?" Akaashi asked not getting an answer from Bokuto.

Akaashi shrugged off Bokuto not being talkative for the fact that he was sick. Akaashi finished undressing Bokuto and placed him in the warm bath.

Bokuto's coughing fit picked up again so Akaashi ran off to the kitchen to find the cough drops.

Bokuto whined from the bathroom since Akaashi left him in a hurry but Akaashi soon returned with the bag of cough drops in his hands. He unrapped one of the candy like drops and placed it in the littles mouth.

"'ucky!" Bokuto exclaimed as he spit the cherry cough drop out and it fell into the water.

Akaashi sat there with his hand on his head in confusion.

"C'mon Bo, you have to suck on this if you want your coughing to go away" Akaashi explained to Bokuto as he just got consistent head shakes 'no' from Bokuto.

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