Accidents Happen 🖤KuroKen❤

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Requested by odiodi1456

"Can you pass me the remote?" The black and golden haired boy asked in his usual monotone voice.

Kuroo nodded and passed him the remote to change the channel to whatever he wanted.

Usually Kenma wouldn't express when he needed/wanted to regress and would do it when Kuroo was around.

Kenma changed the channel to NickJr where Paw Patrol was currently playing.

Kenma secretly eyed Kuroo while the show played hoping Kuroo wasn't catching on to what he was doing.

Kuroo knew that Kenma was doing this, he always did this but Kuroo never minded.

Kuroo couldn't understand why Kenma wouldn't want to express his needs more so he just let Kenma do whatever he wanted to do.

Soon Kenma was deep into his headspace as Kuroo noticed the little things that he did. Kenma would often put his fingers in or around his mouth, he played with the ends of his hair, and he would often get closer to Kuroo and snuggle up to his arm.

Kuroo laughed "Do I have my little boy today?"

Kenma froze as he tried to hide his face in the pillows.

"Baby, it's ok to be little, you know I don't mind" Kuroo tried to reassure the boy

After a little while of talking to Kenma he soon came out and cuddled up to Kuroo putting his fingers into his mouth.

Kuroo was quick to take them out and replace them with a pacifier. Kuroo and Kenma continued watching Paw Patrol until Kenma fell asleep.

Kuroo placed a kiss on Kenma's forehead before walking into the kitchen to start making food for the couple.

After about 20 minutes Kenma came waddling into the kitchen, tugging on the older boys pant leg.

"Oh hey bub, you had a good nap?"


Kuroo smiled as he picked the younger boy up and placed him onto his hip.

Kenma was pretty small compared to Kuroo's tall and broad figure so it was easy to keep Kenma on his hip.

Whike Kenma sat ontop of Kuroo's hip he was eager to reach towards the hot pans and sharp knives.

"Kitten, why don't you go play in the living room or go watch some TV. It's not safe for you in here"

Kenma gave a little pout as he was placed back down on the floor. The kitchen and living room were connected and Kuroo had a clear view of the other room from the stove.

Kenma crawled up onto the couch as he reached for the remote on the table next to the couch. Kenma found a TV show that he enjoyed and watched that until he became uninterested with it.

He went running up to Kuroo pulling on his pant leg again. "'uice! App' juice!"

Kuroo laughed as he pulled out the bottle of apple juice pouring some into a sippy cup and handing it down to Kenma.

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