Stuffies, Tears, and Confusion 💚Ennotana🤎

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Little Age: 5 months-1 year

Requested by tilleybelle1020

All the boys quickly ran to the gym to secure their spot on the team they wanted to be on today. They were practicing against eachother today but it was going to feel like a real game.

The day before:
"Alright boys! Tomorrow during practice we are going to run a practice match against eachother the only difference with tomorrow is that you all will be expected to use your full potential and act like this is a real game" Coach Ukai said, passing a sign up form to Takeda "You all will be expected to show up on time to secure your spot for which team you would like to be on. The only people who don't get to pick is Sugawara and Kageyama since we need two setters for this, so they are a kind of 'team captain' for this" Takeda said handing the two boys the sign up form to put their names on the opposite side of the court.

Sadly Tanaka had to finish up his test during his last period and ended up late to practice. On top of the stress of the test now he had to run laps around the court and he had to wait for someone to rotate out off the court for him to take over, which wasn't going to happen anytime soon. The coaches didn't want Tanaka to just sit on the bench so instead he had him be a line judge on one side of the court.

While sitting on the side lines a ball that Asahi spiked came his way, sadly for him he was daydreaming and he got hit in the face with the ball causing his nose to bleed and his head to pound.

This was it....he was now starting to slip as tears welled in his eyes. "Hey Tanaka you ok?" Daichi called out. "Y-yeah....m'f....fiwn" Tanaka said running out the gym tripping on his own two feet. Once he got out the gym he headed towards a tree to rest but as he got closer he completely slipped into babyspace and fell straight on his his head really hurt and nose continued to bleed.

Soon Ennoshita's voice was heard in the courtyard yelling for Tanaka "Tanaka!" Ennoshita yelled finding the boy lying on the ground tears pouring out of his eyes. "Hey...Tanaka! Are you alright?" Ennoshita asked not getting a response. Tanaka just continued to cry as he made grabby hands for Ennoshita. Ennoshita being confused picked him up trying to get him to stand but that only resulted in him falling back down. "Ok...." Ennoshita said. "Where does it hurt Tanaka?" "Hewe" Tanaka said in a baby voice pointing to his face and head.

"Tanaka your going to have to stand up...we need to get you to the nurse" Ennoshita said only getting a fit out of Tanaka. "Me no wan go!" The little exclaimed "Tanaka dude whats up with you?" Ennoshita asked still confused. "I wittle!" The younger one said sticking his thumb in his mouth. Ennoshita then remembered that sometime a few months ago Tanaka told him something about littlespace...Ennoshita then pulled out his phone texting Noya for help

~Beginning of Texts~

Enno: Hey noya....
what do I need to do
to calm down little
Tanaka? I remember
he told me something 
about little space a few
months ago but I've
never seen him like this
....can you help me?"
                            Noya: Yeah sure,     
                            I've known about
                            this for a year or
                            so now....he
                            doesn't have
                            much so I got him
                            a pacifier a while
                            back and he seems
                            to really like it.
                            You'll probably find
                            it in his bag if you
                            come back to the

Enno: Ok thanks Noya!

~End of Texts~

Ennoshita left the little sitting by the tree where he could see him from the side entrance of the gym he quickly went to Tanaka's bag and found the purple pacifier Noya was talking about, as he went to close the bag he found a bunny plushie hidden behind Tanaka's school uniform. Ennoshita took it out, closed his bag, and head back out to the little.

"Here you go baby bird" Ennoshita said handing the little his plushie while also slipping the pacifier in his mouth. "Ta- tatou" the little muttered out being frustrated with his lack of grammar. "C'mere sweetie" Ennoshita said opening his arms to allow the little to crawl on his lap. While the rest of the team played their game the two 2nd years sat out by the tree playing with Tanaka's stuffed bunny.

Word Count: 819

This is the shortest chapter-

I'm so sorry that it is not that great 🙏 I will probably redo this chapter but I really wanted to get this our for the person who requested it because it's been like 2's also very rushed at the end because it's thundering really loudly outside and it's scaring me a bit ●~● I also don't know that much about Tanaka and Ennoshita as a little pair since I've never really seen it. Again super sorry that it's really bad :( I will redo it sometime soon!

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