Concussion 💛AtsuOmi🖤

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Requested by Ka2love_two

(We are going to pretend they both go to the same school here lol)

Tick tok tick tok

The noise of the school clock ran through Sakusa's ears

Recently Sakusa has been on rest due to a concussion thanks to the Aoba Johsai team captain

It was just like any other match against Aoba Johsai except Sakusa had been hit in the head with a volleyball, knocked unconscious, and busted the back of his head on the gym floor

Now lucky him he was on rest for the next few weeks in order to help his injury heal and to allow him enough time to regain his balance.

Sadly almost anything irritated him and loud noises were to loud. He had frequent headaches and his dizziness was terrible.

"Kiyoomi.....Ki!" Atsumu shook Sakusa out of his daydream like trance

"Huh?" Sakusa asked as his brain finally registered what the other had just said "oh yeah?"

"You ok dude? Is your concussion getting worse? Do you need to go to the nurse?" Atsumu asked in a worried manner

"N-No I'm fine" Sakusa replied looking back down at the homework infront of him tears pricking at his eyes

After what felt like forever class was finally dismissed and Sakusa made his way home. Atsumu had to stay back for an hour of volleyball practice but Sakusa knew he wouldn't be there much longer

On the way home Sakusa started to get dizzy and ended up sitting down on a nearby bench for a while

The boy had recently failed a few of his tests so the stress of that all along with the concussion were not making for a good mix

Today was hard but he had definitely had worse. Sakusa knew in the back of his mind he was going to be okay but it was hard for him to actually believe it

He pulled out his phone and texted Atsumu "I'm by the park can you pick me up?"

Sakusa knew he was on the verge of slipping and didn't want to take any chances of loosing his way home.

Before long Atsumu responded "Yeah, I'm leaving practice early. You ok?"

Sakusa couldn't bring himself to respond so he just sat on the bench till the sight of Atsumu came into view.

"Ki! Oh thank God your ok. I was so worried you didn't text me back so I thought something was wrong..." Atsumu said looking down at the boy infront of him.

Sakusa sat there with his head down low as Atsumu tried to help him up off the bench. He felt like his whole world was falling infront of him as he just let Atsumu walk him home.

Atsumu on the other hand was worried for his boyfriends sake. Normally Sakusa didn't act like this but due to the fact that he had a concussion made Atsumu worry even more.

"Hey Kiyoomi?" Atsumu asked surprisingly getting a "hm?" back in return

"You know you can talk to me right? If anything is bothering you or if you need anything you can just ask..." Atsumu told Sakusa as they walked through the front door.

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