Comfort 💙BokuAka💛

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I head cannon Bokuto having ADHD :P

Currently Bokuto was sitting on the floor of the gym, in the middle of the court right under the volleyball net just mindlessly rolling a volleyball around

Surprisingly it wasn't unusual for Bokuto to be so calm and to seem so distant at times. He mainly stared into space when he was deep in thought and that is exactly what was going on.

Everyone on the team had left and only Bokuto was left to finish cleaning up the gym.....but that wasn't going to happen.

After about 15 minutes of staring into space Bokuto snapped himself out of his trance. He finally finished picking up the scattered volleyballs and packed his bag to leave. While packing his bag, his phone buzzed with a text from Akaashi wondering where he was, as it was getting late. Bokuto sent a quick 'I'm on my way' text and stuffed his phone into his bag

Although Bokuto looked calm and collected his mind was running a mile a minute think about different things in his life.

One thing he couldn't get out of his head was growing up and getting older. Although growing up allowed him and Akaashi to get an apartment together and for Bokuto to be on an amazing volleyball team he still wanted to stay in the highlighted part of his life where everything was amazing and grown-up things didn't get in the way.

Honestly Bokuto was never one to actually want to grow up he just wanted the privileges that came with older age but he never wanted to actually adult. As of recently he hasn't been able to get away with the things he was getting away with before. Even Akaashi would get on him for certain things like cleaning up around the apartment, waking up on time without the help of Akaashi, and even making his own lunch and not depending on Akaashi for that.

Although Akaashi loved caring for Bokuto even he thinks it's time for Bokuto to start doing these things on his own without his help all the time.

Before Bokuto knew it he was right infront of the apartment complex where his and Akaashi's apartment was. From the street you could see the lights luminating from their shared living room and Akaashi cooking something in the kitchen.

A small smile formed on Bokuto's face as he thought 'this is the man I want to spend the rest of my life with'

After a few seconds of admiring his beautiful boyfriend from a far he quickly made his way inside their apartment

Once the door opened Bokuto was greeted by the sweet smell of treats that Akaashi was baking

"I'm home" Bokuto said in a somber voice

"Welcome home Bokuto-San" Akaashi said peeking around the corner to see Bokuto taking off his training jacket and placing his shoes and bag in their designated spot.

Akaashi went back to what he was baking expecting to be greeted by Bokuto with a hug from behind but instead was greeted with the sound of their shared bedroom door being loudly shut (not slammed).

Akaashi left everything in the kitchen and made his way to the bedroom door knocking.

"Bokuto-San can I come in?" Akaashi asked as to not intrude into Bokuto's space

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