Moody 💙BokuAka💛

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Requested by yaoianddepression

Today was a day just like any other, the two Fukurodani volleyball players attended school, went to practice, and made the semi-short walk back home.

Since Bokuto and Akaashi had been in a relationship for over 3 years now they decided to take a more serious route. They decided to rent an apartment together since they will be graduating soon and moving on to college in the near future.

Bokuto's mom is supportive of her sons choice of love and accepts him and Akaashi being together unlike his father, who his mother divorced a year back due to his homophobic and abusive ways.

At the age of 8 when Bokuto had come home from school one day talking about this boy who he had become best friends with he started talking to his mom about how wonderful he was.

"I dunno momma this boy just makes me feel happy when I see him everyday at recess"

"Oh really?" Bokuto's mom asked with a smile on her face

"Mhm, he's really nice to me and I hope that we get put in the same class next year. I really like him..."

"Well honey I hope you two bec-" Bokuto's mom was rudly cut off by his father

"Stop spewing this homo crap, son you listen to me.....find yourself a girl who's just like this boy and you'll forget all about him. I didn't raise no homo-boy, no sir my son is straight!" Bokuto's dad said as he walked back outside

Bokuto's eyes welled with tears at the thought of leaving his best friend for someone else.

"Oh honey what's wrong?" Bokuto's mom asked reaching her arms out to him as he quickly ran into them, sobbing hard into her chest.

"I- I can't leave.....leave him...I-" Bokuto said in painful, heart wrenching sobs.

"Aw Bo don't you listen to what your father has to say about him...I think its wonderful that you really like this boy" Bokuto's mother re-assured him giving him a kiss on the forehead and bringing him to bed.

Now on the other hand Akaashi's parents have completely disowned him. He didn't know his father all to well and his mother was an alcoholic. She forced Akaashi to care for himself at the age of 5 and started hanging around in the clubs all night. She would get drunk, come home, sleep, and abuse Akaashi mentally. She never touched him but the abuse she sent to him mentally was painful for his immature brain.

Akaashi constantly came home to men hanging around his mother loaded and smelling like drugs. He knew what his mother was doing was wrong and that he could get her taken away from him but deep down that woukd hurt him more.

Now that's Akaashi is older his mother has tried to make up for her mistakes while still have most of her old ways the only thing that she doesn't do anymore is come home with men.

"Mom I'm home" Akaashi stated out as he placed his shoes at the front door.

The place was dimly lit and he had to step over piles of alcohol bottles to get anywhere remotely close to the living area.

When Akaashi saw his mother passed out on the floor, a drink in her hand, with the TV blaring he gently picked her up and brought her to bed.

He then went out and cleaned the house and rid it mostly of the alcohol smell. Next he worked on making some food for her to eat on for the next few days.

Soon after his mother woke up and stumbled out of her room.

"Who are you?" She drunkly asked, her eyes not even open

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