'You Are The Only Exception' Pt.2 💚Tsukiyama💛

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'The lady said Tsukishima laughing a bit giving the lady Yamaguchi's phone number and paying for the items. "Thank you come again!" The lady said swooping under the counter before pulling out a lollipop to give little Yamaguchi "Here you go little man" She said as she quickly handed it to Yamaguchi, he smiled back at her "Thank ou!" waving goodbye as she waved back.'

Tsukishima and Yamaguchi both walked out to the car only really coming out to the mall to buy some little gear. Half way out of the mall Yamaguchi started to slow down and he started leaning on Tsukishima a lot more. "Baby, you ok?" Tsukishima asked bringing the little over to a bench sitting him down for a bit. Yamaguchi had slipped a bit further into headspace not being really talkative. "You ok bud?" Tsukishima asked again knowing that Yamaguchi could be upset and not say anything until his feelings got the best of him. Yamaguchi shook his head yawning and doing grabby hands for Tsukishima. "U-uuppyys" a sleepy Yamaguchi got out. Tsukishima laughed pushing his glasses up and then picking the little up and placing him on his hip. Yamaguchi stuffed his face into Tsukishima's neck and fell asleep being carried back to the car.

Once the two reached the car Tsukishima gently placed the little into the passenger seat and buckled him up allowing him to still take a nap. Tsukishima threw everything else into the back seat as he started the car up and headed back home. Tsukishima knew that when Yamaguchi wakes up he will be looking for a snack since they really didn't have that much to eat for lunch earlier that day so on the way home Tsukishima stopped at McDonald's to get Yamaguchi a happy meal.

Once they got home Tsukishima carried Yamaguchi out of the car and into the living room placing him down on the sofa to let him sleep until he naturally woke up. Tsukishima went back out to the car to grab the bags from the back seat and he brought them inside and start washing the items that they had bought that day. Knowing Yamaguchi he would want to use his new things as soon as he could.

After about 30 minutes or so Tsukishima was alarmed to hear his baby cry from the living room where he was sleeping. Tsukishima rushed over to Yamaguchi has he saw Yamaguchi freak out holding his thumb. "Baby, what happened?" Tsukishima asked in a soothing voice. "My fingur huwrts daddyyy" Yamaguchi whined out allowing Tsukishima to inspect the littles thumb. Yamaguchi's thumb was bleeding a bit with teeth mark impressions all over it, the little had tears in his eyes the entire time. "Bubs it's going to be ok, alright...you just bit yourself, daddy can make it better" Tsukishima reassured the little picking him up and bringing him into the kitchen placing him down on the countertop. Tsukishima grabbed a few medical supplies to clean and bandage the littles thumb up with. "Ok now I need you to be a big boy, this will only sting for a few seconds" Tsukishima said taking no extra time in pouring hydrogen peroxide over the small cuts. Yamaguchi whined out in pain but after a few seconds it was over. "See that wasn't to bad was it?" Tsukishima asked Yamaguchi nodding his head as Tsukishima placed a Hello Kitty Band-Aid over his thumb. "Kitty!" Yamaguchi exclaimed forgetting all about the pain that he was in earlier. Tsukishima laughed as he picked the little up and onto his hip popping a pacifier in Yamaguchi's mouth before setting him down to run back to the living room where he once was.

Tsukishima placed the food from the happy meal into the microwave for a few minutes before putting it back in the box and bringing it over to Yamaguchi in the living room. "Bubs, I got you something" Tsukishima called out Yamaguchi running towards Tsukishima jumping up and down. Tsukishima handed the box over to a giggling Yamaguchi "Thank ou dada!" Yamaguchi said hugging Tsukishima and then running back over to the couch where he ate his happy meal. Tsukishima watched as the little quickly ate his food but not touching his apple slices. "Baby, why are your apples to the side? Tsukishima asked as Yamaguchi only replied back with "bleh". "C'mon Yama you have to eat your apples" Tsukishima said picking one up and placing it near the littles mouth "nuh-uh" Yamaguchi replied moving his head to the side. "Yama" Tsukishima said raising his voice a bit. "No!" Yamaguchi replied smacking the apple away hitting Tsukishima with it. "Ok...strike one Yama" Tsukishima said, this made Yamaguchi shove two apples in his mouth immediately. Yamaguchi hated when Tsukishima would start counting strikes because at 3 he would be put in timeout and Yamaguchi hated timeout for the fact that he would be alone for what felt like hours when in reality it would only be 15 minutes. 

Once Yamaguchi finished his meal he got up and threw it away going back to snuggling up to Tsukishima on the couch. "Tired?" Tsukishima asked Yamaguchi nodding his head "mhm". It had only been about an hour or so since Yamaguchi got up from his nap, granted he did do a lot today, considering they normally didn't do much when Yamaguchi was little. Tsukishima pulled Yamaguchi into his lap allowing Yamaguchi to wrap his legs around Tsukishima's waist and resting his arms and head by his neck. (they were basically sitting on the couch like how you would carry a child). Tsukishima brought one hand up into Yamaguchi's hair running his fingers through it while the other hand rubbed soothing circles on the littles back. 

After about 30 minutes of this Yamaguchi and Tsukishima had fallen asleep on the couch in this same position. Tsukishima dreamed of his and Yamaguchi's future together, they were only 19 but he knew that he wanted to spend the rest of his life spoiling his baby for as long as Yamaguchi wanted him to. Tsukishima smiled in his sleep as he rarely did but Yamaguchi was the only one who could make him smile. Yamaguchi was Tsukishima's exception to many things.

Word Count: 1039

This was kinda short since I just didn't want to make the last part of this to long so yeah. I hope you guys enjoyed this small chapter, I enjoyed just writing about something simple and fun. I am working on my requests right now so like I've said in earlier chapters they will be out sometime soon hopefully!

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