Germaphobe 💚SakuAtsu💛

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Requested by Your_lie6

"Atsu!" Sakusa yelled out

"Yes, Omi-kun?" Atsumu responded back wondering what his roommate could want from him.

"Can you come help me pick up your shit please?" Sakusa asked as he hated to always clean up after the other.

Atsumu sighed loudly as he got up off the couch and into the shared bedroom the two had with one bed for Atsumu and one for Sakusa.

"You know what nevermind! Just get out" Sakusa said looking Atsumu up and down deeming his clothing inappropriate to clean in.

"What?" Atsumu questioned as he was confused on why the boy asked him in the room in the first place.

"I said get out, I'm cleaning this by myself because I know if I have you help it will just get worse" Sakusa said shoving the boy out the door wanting him to go back to whatever he was doing before.

"Ok....." Atsumu responded flopping back down on the couch to scroll through his phone.

He soon fell asleep and 2 hours later was woken up by loud vacuuming.

"Mmm, Omi?" Atsumu questioned being upset that he was woken up from his nap.

"Oh look your finally up!" Sakusa exclaimed yelling over the vacuum. "I could of used some help you know!" He exclaimed again in frustration.

Sakusa was tired and was ready to sleep so he was just taking things out on others.

" told me to leave you alone?" Atsumu said questionably.

"No! Clean up after yourself! I can't always clean up after you!" Sakusa exclaimed.

"Yeah bu-" Atsumu said being cut off quickly

"No!" Sakusa said throwing the vacuum to the floor grabbing onto Atsumu's shirt as he pulled him up a bit ready to fight (he wasn't really going to tho).

Sakusa just looked at the boy in frustration as he huffed a bit.

"You know what screw it! I'm leaving!" Sakusa said leaving Atsumu to scramble as he fell down.

"Sakusa wait-!" Atsumu said as the door slammed shut

Atsumu sat there on his knees as he replayed everything in his head again. Atsumu couldn't understand why Sakusa got so upset even after telling him to go away when he was cleaning.

He walked over to the vacuum that had been dropped on the floor and he turned it back on and continued to clean. Tears pricked at his eyes, Atsumu couldn't understand why Sakusa was mad at him.


The black haired male stormed out of apartment building, down the stairs. Sakusa knew he messed up but he couldn't turn back now.

Sakusa ran as far as he could away from the apartment complex. He knew Atsumu wouldn't try coming after him yet he wanted to run as far as he could.

Sakusa found an abandoned building where when he walked in he could smell dust. His mind was racing as he ripped the mask off his face. Quickly he broke down kneeling to the floor as he held his head in between his knees.

Recently Sakusa has been dealing with severe OCD and anxiety. Sakusa had decided not to go to his doctor for the fact that he was a germaphobe and he would have to go around germs.

Sakusa knew he should have told this to his roommate yet it was to much for him. Sakusa's pride got in the way and he didn't want Atsumu to think differently of him. He knew he had problems but he didn't want to admit to them with anyone.

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