Tummy Ache 💜Ushiten❤

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Requested by Baki-Baki-Bitch

I promise Tendou cares for Ushijima so much, I don't mean for Tendou to come off as pushy in this story he's just trying to be real with Ushijima when little and upset.

"Bubs you can't have it" Tendou told Ushijima, the little still trying to reach it "Why notttt" the little whined out wanting the candy that they had bought from the store earlier that day on their grocery run. "It's to late, plus I have to get dinner started....I don't need you getting sick on me either" Tendou said picking the little up from the bedroom floor where he was once playing with his toy cars before begging Tendou for his candy. "Candyyyyyyy!" The little whined out again "Ushijima Wakatoshi if you don't start listening to daddy he won't give you cuddles tonight and you won't be able to have this candy till next week" Tendou said the littles whines coming to and end shortly after. "Now Ushi, I'm going to go make dinner and you can go and play with your cars or you can go watch TV but I don't want you getting close to the stove ok?" Tendou told the little as he walked into the kitchen. Ushijima seemed to be around the age of 5 or 6 so Tendou felt like he didn't have to keep an eye on him 24/7 while he cooked.

Ushijima walked over to the TV turning it on. Disney Channel popped up on the screen as he watched whatever was playing at the time. (I haven't watched Disney Channel in so long and not knowing the different shows, shows) Tendou did his own thing in the kitchen while Ushijima thought of his master plan to get his candy. He sat his plushies in a circle around him to have a 'meeting'. Ushijima finished this 'meeting' shortly after starting it and he got up from his place and walked over to the kitchen where the mentally older one was. 

Tendou could hear the tall boy walk in "Buddy I though I told you to stay away from the stove!" Tendou said his voice raising a bit as he grabbed the littles hand that was getting closer to the fire as Tendou turned around from the sink. Tendou inspected the littles hand "Did you hurt it at all!?" Tendou said, a panicking mess "No...." Ushijima said with tears in his eyes...he didn't mean to scare his daddy to the point where he felt the need to raise his voice. "Thank goodness, don't scare me like that ok?" Tendou said realizing that the boy was whimpering and on the verge of crying "Oh buddy I didn't mean to scare you either..." Tendou said taking Ushijima into his arms hugging him tightly stopping the little from crying, luckily Tendou knew how to catch the little before he would start crying most of the time. "How about you go back to the couch and I'll bring you some juice for the time being, dinners almost done" Tendou said as a compromise for raising his voice and scaring Ushijima. "Otay" Ushijima said quickly grabbing the bag of candy off of the counter and running off. 

Ushijima's plan was successful, he had gotten the candy and Tendou hadn't even questioned him running off like he did. "Here bud" Tendou said handing the little a juice box that they had stored in their fridge. "Thank youuuu" Ushijima said with a giggle, he was so happy that his daddy didn't question anything. "You're welcome" Tendou said ruffling Ushijima's hair as he walked back into the kitchen to finish their meals. Ushijima had moved from the couch to the floor as he went back to his stuffed animals and opened the bag of candy. Tendou heard the crinkle from the kitchen but didn't question anything assuming that Ushijima was playing with the toys that had the crinkle stuff in them. Ushijima stuffed his mouth with candies as he gave some to his stuffed friends as well. 10 minutes had gone by and the bag was just about gone. "Baby! Dinners done" Tendou yelled from the kitchen signaling the little to come to the table. Ushijima got up from off the floor running towards the dinner table. There he was met with his favorite meal, hayashi rice. Tendou knew how to make it perfectly...I mean he kind of needed to because it was the only thing he could get Ushijima to eat sometimes when he was stubborn both big and little.

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