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 HORDES of students dressed in silver and emerald robes stood huddled all around the arching room , the marble pillars engraved with shards of obsidian rising into the darkness , the ceiling crossed by original beams , a chandelier with drooping c...

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 HORDES of students dressed in silver and emerald robes stood huddled all around the arching room , the marble pillars engraved with shards of obsidian rising into the darkness , the ceiling crossed by original beams , a chandelier with drooping crystal raindrops hanging from it. The room was a fresh change from the damp dungeons for all Slytherins.

But despite the musty odour of the enclosed dungeons , and the chill that followed them wherever they went - each student bearing the snake symbol was proud to think of it as their home , the lair of the snakes.

Neither knew why they had been summoned out of lessons , in front of Professor Snape - who looked bored out of his wits and appeared to be wishing that he were any where else , but in that room with his students.

Draco stood leaning against a pillar , his hands in his pockets as his gaze lazily followed his Potions Professor.

Blaise stood beside him , the girls - Pansy , and Daphne - stood across the room with several other girls.

"The Yule Ball is an ungodly tradition , that has been followed for centuries throughout - during the Triwizard Tournament", Snape drawled , looking around as everyone naturally fell silent.

He continued.

"On the eve of Christmas , Triwizard champions and others gather for a night of well behaved frivolity. I will not have any of you throw dirt upon the name of Salazar Slytherin , or the house itself that has commanded the respect of the wizarding world for nearly eleven centuries. Formal behaviour is expected of each of you , and for you to polish up your waltzing skills - because the Yule Ball , is , first and foremost - a dance."

His speech was taken in a different light amongst each student. Some gasped in awe , eager and excited whispers coming forth on their part - while others groaned and mumbled unintelligible things.

A dance ? , Draco thought.

"Now , I want each of you to come forward in pairs and practice. Filch , the music", Snape said , clasping his hands as his dark robes billowed around him. Filch scurried forward from a corner of the room , putting on the gramophone as a mellifluous melody filled the air around them.

From his peripheral vision , Draco saw Blaise confidently stride up to Daphne , and ask her to dance. She blushed and agreed , while Pansy danced with another girl - both of whom were smiling brightly.

He rolled his eyes , before agreeing to dance with a third year Slytherin. As he waltzed around the room with her , twirling her with the ease and grace of a pureblood , Draco couldn't help but let his mind wander , wander over the castle tops and the Astronomy Tower - the wind whistling in his ears as his thoughts found , like they always did , a certain girl with copper-coloured hair and crystal blue eyes.


Two weeks had gone by in the blink of an eye , bringing forth early December , and the onset of Yule. Winter had flourished throughout , covering the shingles of the castle , the shops and streets of Hogsmeade with pure , white quilt. The previous night's snowfall had stopped , leaving behind tiny snowflakes that tickled the cheeks of the students clad in woollens , crowding the cobblestone paths of the wizarding village. The air hung still , surrounding them with a feeling of numbness. The trees enshrouding the winding paths had shed their leaves , waiting for the arrival of spring – when stubby green buds would flourish on their bare branches , making them reborn.

Ruthless : d.malfoy [ REWRITING ]Where stories live. Discover now