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DRACO seated himself in his assigned place in the Potions classroom , eyes focused ahead as he steadily avoided the inviting gaze of a particular Ravenclaw

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DRACO seated himself in his assigned place in the Potions classroom , eyes focused ahead as he steadily avoided the inviting gaze of a particular Ravenclaw. Melanoid walls rose from the rugged floor , out to a ceiling none could make out. Jars and vials of herbs drowned in medicinal liquids , unicorn blood and animal organs embellished the shelves of wood , and an air of tepidness lingered over the students , choking their oesophagus with frigid iciness. 

Heads bent over respective cauldrons , the Ravenclaws and Slytherins concentrated on brewing their respective Elixir to Induce Euphoria potions , keeping up low , civil murmurs of conversation in between. 

Evanna's irises persisted over her cauldron , a sheen of sunflower amber settled over the liquid of flawless consistency , manicured finger nails tracing the circular rim of the cool cauldron. Draco had watched as she had taken notes without once looking down at her parchment , before moving with impossible adroitness to brew the required Potion - eventually earning Ravenclaw twenty points for the perfect piece of work , before finally settling casually on her seat , and silently staring on at her cauldron , as though calculating how it could be even more superior the next time round.

Simultaneously , her skirt lifted ever so slightly - Evanna not paying much mind to it , as she produced a book from her bag. But Draco's conscience told that she was perfectly aware of how numerous boys and girls in the room ogled at the exposed skin , a small smirk tugging at her lips.

He scowled at all those gawking at Evanna , effectively making them squirm under his hard stare as all directed their eyes back to their bubbling cauldrons.

He despised his soul for wandering back to the fateful Saturday - three days ago at Hogsmeade. Evanna had sounded genuinely disappointed , but Draco couldn't still help but distrust her.

And her calling him darling.

It was a gesture of intimacy , and warmth crept up his cheeks as his brain repeatedly reminisced that one word - forgoing all the others she had said. As if Evanna herself had entered his mind , and purged him of all the gruesome thoughts regarding her entity - and he just could not bring himself to care about her loathsome inclinations , rather relishing in the feeling of her.

Weak. He repeated in his mind. How could just one 'darling' , make him melt ? Evanna Frey was ,  perhaps , a delinquent in the making - and being around her , could bring him more danger than he could fathom. It could , in a matter of moments , taint his reputation in the pureblood society , tarnish his academic brilliance and further rub obsidian over his already blackened name. Being close to her could prove to be hazardous , she was no saint afterall.

You are no angel either.

Draco's mind was conflicted , and with the passage of every second he tightened his grip around the quill in his palm , finally snapping it into two - and yet continuing to write with it. His , mercury gaze often drifted towards the enchanting brunette , her regal features drawn into a lazy smirk as she stared back at him.

Ruthless : d.malfoy [ REWRITING ]Where stories live. Discover now