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                                                            1st September , 1991 

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                                                            1st September , 1991 

Her cerulean gaze travelled from the marble that lined the floor beneath the soles of her leathern shoes , towards the horde of children dressed in plain black robes queueing up in front of her as they all followed Professor McGonagall through the doors and hundred corridors to the Great Hall.

The heavy gold doors to the Great Hall opened up , and Evanna walked through them into a hall flanked by towering pillars of obsidian and marble - four tables , each clad in house colours of velveteen were placed in the Hall ; members of each house occupying their respective table as their chatter bounced off the walls. A transparent ceiling allowed her to behold the dainty splatters of mercury stars that adorned the dark heavens above , constellations lining up to offer her a vision of the dead stars and  the nebulae of those newly born. She smiled at their beauty , cheekbones dusted peony as excitement filled her veins.

Finally , she was away from the wrath of her mother.

Her coruscating irises connected with those of a certain platinum-haired boy. Draco smiled as he caught her gaze , waving a little. Evanna returned the smile , along with a small wave before a voice echoed over them. She looked further to find the stern gaze of the witch clad in decadent emerald robes , standing in front of a panel of teachers all watching in anticipation - and a worn hat that sat upon a three-legged stool.

Professor McGonagall's strict stare silenced them , as well as the chatters in the Great Hall - and she opened a scroll of parchment - before speaking in a clear voice that resounded across the walls ,"As I call your name , please step forward."

"Abbot Susan."

As the name was called , a girl with blonde pigtails stumbled forward - and Professor McGonagall placed the hat on her head as Susan took a seat. The hat had barely touched her head , when the hat spoke through a rip in its base ,"Hufflepuff !"

And with that , Susan ecstatically walked towards the table clad in summer shades as all Hufflepuffs cheered. Several names were called , and Evanna tuned out of the conversation , thinking through the consequences of the action she was about to commit. She knew it would affect her friendship with Draco , but her servitude to the Frey family came first.

"Frey , Evanna."

The name jolted her out of her stupor , and she silently walked towards the tool , seating herself upon it as the Sorting Hat was placed on her head. Hushed conversations rang around the hall , regarding the Frey heir and how she was definitely going to be in the House of Slytherin. Dumbledore edged forward on his seat , keen eyes set on the figure of the girl.

But what others did not know , was the confusion of the Sorting Hat. For centuries , there had been no doubt in its mind as to where any wizard or witch should be placed. But with the Frey heir sitting on the stool , unpleasant memories of a certain thundering evening of 1938 - the day it sorted a boy who haunted the wizarding world.

Ruthless : d.malfoy [ REWRITING ]Where stories live. Discover now