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THE RISE of the sun was almost shy , reluctant beneath the clouds from the previous night's impending storm - across the cerise sky , its diamond light scattered in golden patterns upon the waters of the Black Lake

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THE RISE of the sun was almost shy , reluctant beneath the clouds from the previous night's impending storm - across the cerise sky , its diamond light scattered in golden patterns upon the waters of the Black Lake. It was a wintry day , although it was still early September. Students scurried through the arching tawny corridors - eager to get to breakfast before beginning their day. The light travelled through the blades of grass coiled upon the soft soil , shimmering through the stained windows and throwing light upon the lively faces of the students and professors. 

It was that kind of a day where one would have preferred to have curled in front of a warm hearth and read to themselves - a pleasant , yet chilly air lingering all around - toes tucked neatly underneath a woollen blanket.

Evanna dragged her feet through the swarm of people clad in coloured , hemmed robes towards the Potions classroom in the dungeons. The previous night had come with strong , trepid winds - as well as with a bout of insomnia that the Ravenclaw had not been able to shake away. Albeit , she had entered her dormitory at one in the dread of night - after her patrol duty and repairing the Cabinet a bit - but she had continued to toss and turn before having finally given up and travelled to the Common Room with a book clutched under her arm.

Finally , she reached the doors to the classroom - the light barely filtering through the obsidian bricks of the dungeons. Evanna's crystalline eyes shimmered with lack of sleep , and her gaunt figure started walking towards an empty seat next to Draco.

"Did you travel to Azkaban and back ?", Draco mused with a curl of his lips , readying the apparatus on his table.

"Shut up", Evanna muttered before producing a copy of 'Advanced Potion Making' from her bag and slamming it on the table with an audible thud - attracting the attention of a crowd of few Hufflepuffs who were also taking Advanced Potions.

"What ?", Evanna questioned with a bored tone , before a sneer made its way onto her face - making the badgers turn away and return to their own business.

"Someone is moody", Draco chuckled , mercury irises tilting to regard her own.

"Didn't get much sleep last night", The Ravenclaw sighed - making the boy's gaze soften.

"You should go to Madame Pomfrey", He affirmed , making her look at him with an astonished look. Draco was aware that Evanna knew of his suspicions p but chose to suppress her problems instead of being open about it. He was tired of her keeping secrets from him - and whether they were terrifying , gruesome or merely too upsetting for one soul to bear alone , he wanted to know.

"I know you are not getting enough sleep , Ana. You should get it checked in the infirmary. It could be more serious than you think", Draco continued in a whisper.

"I'm fine , Draco", Evanna tired to assert - only to be met with the shake of his head.

"By the way , how many O.W.L.s did you get ?", His girlfriend enquired - a tried smile overtaking her weary features. He very well knew she was trying to switch to a different subject - but he played along anyways.

Ruthless : d.malfoy [ REWRITING ]Where stories live. Discover now