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                                                                             8th June , 1988

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                                                                             8th June , 1988

"Mother... do I have to ?", enquired the shaking voice of an eight year old Evanna , hand inching out to touch the injured bird that whimpered even as the summer breeze caressed it's dove grey feathers.

Summer had arrived soon , and Evanna was counting days to when she would finally escape the tyranny of her mother - to the confines of the school she had dreamt of ever since she was capable enough to read. Her eyes travelled up the blades of grass that tickled her bare ankles , amaranthine frock fluttering in the zephyr - her hair  , even longer , falling in waves past her delicate shoulders.

Evanna's gaze connected with that of her mother's. Crystalline blue voids of a frigid , untamed flame alight in her stern gaze. The wounded bird lay between them , a barrier between the older woman and her daughter.

Practise with her mother had always been difficult , the bruises marring her lacerated skin were enough to  bear proof to it. But she had not known that it would come to a point as inescapable as this one.


A gulp resounded in her throat , and she inhaled deeply. How she wished she were at the Malfoy Manor , adorning Draco with flower crowns. Her fingers clenched together , nails digging cerise crescents onto her palm.

She stared ahead at the bird , wishing to heal it instead of killing it without any reason.

"Do it !", Her mother shrieked , uttering a non-verbal charm that sent a jarring throb down Evanna's spine. She flinched at the despotic tone in her mother's voice , and with a soft , quick intonation she uttered the spell that would decide the fate of the bird that lay sprawled across the gentle soil.

A horrible sound of a neck snapping echoed between the duo , and the girl opened her eyes to find the bird - mangled , speckles of blood coating it's once pure plumage.

Unbeknownst to Evanna , it was just the beginning.


SEPTEMBER skies flawlessly reflected the chaos that brewed untamed within her soul , as she found herself standing once again in front of the scarlet train - smoke billowing into the air. Hordes of owls hooted from within their cages , the resounding noise of wheels scraping against the ground , the sound of shoes brushing through echoing in the air as the crowd passed by her. In the fleet of a moment , it had felt as though months had passed by. A month had gone by since she had last had a glimpse of Draco , she had succeeded in knowing more about Vanishing Cabinets , had visited the one in Borgin and Burke's , and most importantly -

Evanna Frey had failed to retrieve the diadem.

It enraged her , whenever the unpleasant memory of the pointless trip would cross her mind. Blaise and her had asked everywhere , threatened everyone who had even claimed to lay eyes upon the diadem in the past , and yet they had emerged unsuccessful in their endeavor.

Ruthless : d.malfoy [ REWRITING ]Where stories live. Discover now