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WHEN the first cymbals of dawn beat upon the sky , and the wind lay cradled in the arms of the vast , almost infinite expanse of the pure cerulean sky - like a child who had wept all night - the students of Hogwarts scurried to get a glimpse of th...

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WHEN the first cymbals of dawn beat upon the sky , and the wind lay cradled in the arms of the vast , almost infinite expanse of the pure cerulean sky - like a child who had wept all night - the students of Hogwarts scurried to get a glimpse of the morning newspaper , letters of the headlines vivaciously dancing to the songs of mockery  as they read in perfect print -


Teachers squinted their eyes at the words imprinted on the front page of the Daily Prophet , while hushed murmurs were directed by the students as they read the article - occasionally searching the Ravenclaw table for a sight of Evanna Frey , but her seat remained empty.

All heads were directed towards the girl in question , head held high as she walked into the Great Hall - eyes brimming ever so slightly with tears , cheeks flushed bougainvillea. Her brown hair was held back by a powder blue ribbon , combed to perfection - pallid fingers reaching out to take a piece of toast. As she grasped the butter knife , she felt a hand on her shoulder , and heard a vexatious voice muse from her left -

"Too bad you are an orphan now , isn't it ? Mummy is no longer there for you to hide behind her."

Looking up , she met the triumphant eyes of Marietta Edgecombe , malicious retinas glinting with false hope. Evanna's rosebud lips curled upwards into a pleasant smile , although her eyes conveyed disgust as she discreetly scooted away from the girl next to her. 

"Marietta , is it ?", Evanna asked , saccharine honey slipping into the words in between - as the girl in question nodded.

"Does your mother work in the Improper Use of Magic sector in the Department of Magical Law Enforcement ?"

"She does. Why ?", Marietta retorted , brows furrowing in confusion as to why the girl had completely skipped over the insult - instead questioning her mother's profession.

A macabre smile over came her , a little laugh escaping her throat as Evanna leaned forward to whisper ,"Don't think I am not aware of your little defensive magic group - what is it again ? Ah , yes , Dumbledore's Army. Imagine the backlash your mother will have to face - her daughter defying the Minister's decrees ? Shame."

Standing up , Evanna's eyes remained on the quivering girl. Marietta's hands trembled , amaranthine veins visible underneath the paper thin skin - sweat beading her forehead as her once spiteful eyes filled with fear.

Dusting off her clothes , specifically where Marietta had touched her - Evanna grinned and said ,"Make sure your mother enjoys her last days at work. She won't be needed in the office anymore."

Marietta's breath hitched in her throat , as she watched Evanna walk away , towards the head of the table where Professor Flitwick stood waiting for the girl. Evanna , on the other hand , was quite pleased with the recent developments. Dumbledore's Army would have to be revealed to Umbridge soon , for the pink toad's frustrations were increasing by the day - which in turn gave the Ravenclaw a migraine. Since she had agreed to the Golden Trio's request of not letting the High Inquisitor know of their illegal activities - she needed a scapegoat to remove suspicions from herself.

Ruthless : d.malfoy [ REWRITING ]Where stories live. Discover now