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Harry's strides were long and hurried - his haunting green eyes fixated towards the corridor ahead as he traversed through , the flames of the torches hanging overhead casting shadows onto the ceramic walls.

His steps conveyed urgency , yet held a sort of familiarity to them as he rounded upon a stone gargoyle clawing onto the flat base of a cylindrical pillar - it's wings spread and a thousand stone feathers in full display.

"Lemon drops", He whispered - and the sculpture moved aside with a low rumble to reveal a hidden , rickety spiral of stairs.

Professor Dumbledore's office was just the same as the first time he had visited it - the same mess of alchemy equipment strewn atop a mahogany desk at the front , the dim flames of the candle light dancing in the dead of night , trinkets littered here and there , portraits glaring from above or talking in hushed tunes - and of course , the dusty Sorting Hat in a corner and a bowl of the signature lemon drops adorned the table top.

Harry's fingers found comfort in the torn piece of parchment that rested inside his robe pocket. He counted the number of times he rubbed the pad of his finger against rounded corner - a message scrawled onto it that read ,

"Harry ,

              Please meet me in the office when you are sure no one else will be awake. This matter concerns the fifth champion.

 - Albus Dumbledore."

It was a short , simple letter - but his heartbeat had quickened upon realising that the topic of their conversation was to be 'Evanna Frey.'

And despite racking his brains , he could not understand why the girl was to be discussed. Yes , she was the other underage champion besides him - but she did not put her name in. That bit was for sure.

Flames from the hearth cast off shadows into the walls , the dark reflections of furniture dancing all around as ornate pillars held together the circular room. Scarlet protruded through the darkness , and the squawk of a phoenix perched upon a bar sounded somewhere in the darkness. 

He was alone , except for an aged wizard dressed in bright robes , who stood with his back turned , head bent over what seemed to be a basin carved out of stone the colour of pure obsidian.

"Professor ?", Harry softly called out. The old wizard turned to face the fourteen year old - azure eyes twinkling behind half-moon spectacles.

"Ah , Harry", He spoke softly , as Harry walked forward - stopping a feet from where he stood.

"Good evening , Professor. Why did you , hu , ask me to come ?", He asked . Dumbledore remained silent , walking forward towards an old wooden cupboard that stood forlorn in a corner. Opening it's doors , he revealed several neatly arranged vials of liquid.

His fingers traced them , before stopping at one which emitted a slight , silver glow. Curling his fingers on the particular vial , he came towards Harry. Unfurling his fisted palm , he said ," This , Harry , is a vial that contains a memory."

Ruthless : d.malfoy [ REWRITING ]Where stories live. Discover now