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EARLY February had arrived , bringing with it the bliss of the onset of spring. The dusk sunlight pierced the clouds , travelling through the blades of grass and tinting the faces of the students and teachers crowding the corridors. Spring was round the corner , and it seemed that Demeter had once again blessed the earth with blossoming flowers , the song of birds , and with ripening fruits. A hush covered the earth , weeds and fresh grass sprouting from the soft earth , and vines creeping up the cold bricks of the castle.

  Somewhere , as the sky darkened , the Slytherins had gathered by the fire in the Common Room - notebooks , textbooks , and parchment strewn all around the floor. Blankets pulled across their knees , huddled together as they prepared for the upcoming examinations together. A pronounced silence was ever-present in the room , only broken by soft murmurs.

The corner right by the marble hearth , from above which the tapestry of Salazar Slytherin glared down at them , had been occupied by the famous Slytherin quintet. A girl with short , black hair that fell to her olive eyes - Pansy Parkinson - sat on an armchair , flipping through the pages of a Potions book. Blaise Zabini sat by the foot of her armchair , feet sprawled comfortably across the peridot carpet - hand furiously scribbling notes onto fine parchment - his coffee skin gleaming in the emerald light of the flames. Daphne paced behind the duo , fingers tightly knitted between the pages of 'One Thousand Herbs and Fungi' - green eyes shut tight as she recited the names one by one.

Theo lay on the couch across from them , book held high as he read through the Divination textbook , red dots obscuring his vision as most concepts went over his head. Draco sat at another desk , completing his homework.

Amongst the group of Slytherins , was an out of place Ravenclaw - her caramel hair spilling onto her shoulders , her head bent over a borrowed book on 'Ancient Runes.' Her eyebrows were furrowed in concentration , and her hands often worked to write down things not mentioned in their textbook.

Draco had introduced Evanna to  his friends , and all of them had clicked with her immediately. Blaise and Evanna , for their love of sweets and limericks ; Pansy , Daphne and Evanna , for their collective admiration of fashion ; Theo and Evanna for their shared love of quidditch and astronomy.

And so they sat , heads bent in concentration over their respective studies. The group had decided to gather there after dinner for a late 'study session' , and to clear doubts if anyone had them. Time ticked on , the hands of the clock moving to point from half past eight , to almost midnight.

With an audible groan , Theo shut his book , letting it fall over his face. 

"I'm hungry", He complained , voice slightly muffled.

"We had dinner not long ago", Draco said absently , scrunching his nose.

"That was almost four hours ago", Theo said , another groan following shortly. Pansy closed her book , pressing her fingers to her forehead - before looking down to find Blaise half-asleep at the foot of her armchair. Daphne stopped pacing , her legs giving way as she slid down to the floor , head cradled between her hands.

Ruthless : d.malfoy [ REWRITING ]Where stories live. Discover now